Usually they will make a post when they have investigated the cause of the banwave and discovered how the detection occured and taken steps to rectify the safety of the bot. The will of course state it at your own risk blah blah blah, but after that its as safe as it usually is. ie. sorta, kinda, if your lucky get the picture.
Why would they want to do that? They have a "switch" now. A switch they use just before every major patch. They don't have to watch accounts, that's way too much micromanagement work. They simply flick the switch, detect everyone, flick the switch back off again and a couple of weeks later do a huge purge and ban them all.Blizzard will likely be watching anybody they banned making new accounts.
Yip. In reality they haven't got a clue. If they did, this wouldn't be happening over and over again. And it's no coincidence that this happens with every major WoW patch.Usually they will make a post when they have investigated the cause of the banwave and discovered how the detection occured and taken steps to rectify the safety of the bot. The will of course state it at your own risk blah blah blah, but after that its as safe as it usually is. ie. sorta, kinda, if your lucky get the picture.