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Experienced botter. How much time does it take?


New Member
Nov 23, 2011
With employment the way it is at the moment, getting a job is very difficult. Im looking to earn a little cash from home via botting. I will be herb+mine, selling raw mats (dont have the time to create things), selling my gold for around $.5 per 1kg and running 4 bots.
I know it will all depend on the server prices.
But say i pull in 5kg a day per acount X 4 accounts=20kg
So 20kg X 7days= 140kg
140kg X $0.5=$70
So basicly im just trying to work out how many hours of effot per bot it takes of being sat at your computer.
Im effectively looking for it to be a job that would pay $10 per hour. So it would have to require less than 7 hours of work a week to run 4 bots.
Is this possible?
I am taking into acount all down falls such as ban acounts, subscriptions e.t.c.
Im not trying to make much money, im at college and just looking for a little extra cash. Is $10 per hour minus bans, investment, and subscriptions really that much to ask for?
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... and then you get banned. Welcome to real life ;)#
You have to pay for the gamekeys. EU Keys atm ~45 EUR Classic -> Cata.
Each month ~10 EUR for Gametime (60 days gamecard costs 20 EUR).

Wake up, Neo...

Why does everybody think he will get rich using a bot?
it all depends on your method... and yes you will most likely be banned that way..

Edit: or not, its all about luck generally its not worth it if you arent Chinese
I am taking that all into acount. I was personaly going to subtract all other 'money out'.
And im not trying to get rich... Im at college and just looking for a little extra money. Is $10 per hour minus bans, investment, and subscriptions really that much to ask for?
I am taking that all into acount. I was personaly going to subtract all other 'money out'.
And im not trying to get rich... Im at college and just looking for a little extra money. Is $10 per hour minus bans, investment, and subscriptions really that much to ask for?

Whatever you are smoking I want it.
Whatever you are smoking I want it.

LOL! My hat off to you sir for making me finally laugh today.

To OP, some botters bot to provide golds and stuffs for their main, some bot to pay off their gametime, and some even bot for fun.

This is not official but some botters discovered that for every 1,000 gold, you get .33 cent and to make 10 dollar per hour is begging for a ban. If we actually make a living out of botting, I'm pretty sure ALMOST EVERY WOW PLAYERS will bot.
You could possibly do this, but you would need to put more thought into it. It is not as simple as "I make X amount of gold daily and sell it for Y dollars daily". You can't really consider any of the variables to be constant.

If you want to do this, start small with 1 account. Make your own farming profiles. Work out your farming and selling routine before you expand. After you have your methods down, do some more math again to see how profitable it would be for you to expand.

Remember that bans come in waves. Each time you send you bot out you should wish him good luck. You would always need do leave home knowing you could lose all your assets an have to start over.

Another thing to consider is the market: demand rises during ban waves, peaks when new material comes out, and bottoms out when no material has been released for a while.

I wouldn't advise investing your money and jumping into this without botting experience.
Start small and work your way up, then see if your making a profit.
Thanks for the advise. Im not new to botting. I used to run 6 accounts when glider was up. And i have been trying out a few days of botting with HB on my main by buying the 1 day trial.
When i say $10 an hour i dont meen constant work e.g. 8 hour days and 50 accounts....nothing big.
Just having 4 acounts running 10-12 hour days sending to toons which i would have an auction house profile set up on. So all i would have to do is start the bot before college, 10hours later log onto toon and start the AH profile, then rinse and repeat. Then on weekends spend a few hours selling the gold to someone who will defo take it for $.5 per 1kg.
I wouldnt of thought that would take more than 1 hour a day in total in to set everything up and sort out any glitches + what ever gold selling time... no? I guess not
I don't mind make a few bucks out of it just for fun of it. As for right now, I'm starting slow so I can be more aware of my setting in HB and learn how to bot by creating my own profiles and such. IMO, serious botters used their own gathering profiles and their own modified CC and such. I'm not saying you're an idiot at all but I'm just saying that no botter in the right mind would use the most popular GB mining profile and use it for over 8 hours and think they won't get banned.
Dude the prices the Chinese are offering are damn low, its currently like 0.2€ per 1000 Gold, and there is still big need for Gold, Valor Points stuff is still bought for good prices, craftable items and gems are and even the Firelands rnd drops are bought for some money, also the prices for raw materials are damn high, on some accounts im never under 17k daily since the release, but still the damn Goldprice is low, it dropped on 17th/18th Dec. for over 50% and still is there - how will the situation develop in the next 5-7 months without any patch ?
But to answer you question, you need to earn about 300.000 gold per day to get 80 $ out of it, with the current goldprices, selling to Chinese guys.

Maybe im wrong but on the German servers im botting, i always see spammers who offer gold for 0.7€ / 1000 gold, and i see them for like 2-3 months by now, every day, so if this shit continues then botting wow will only make sence with like 20 accounts and more ...
But say i pull in 5kg a day per acount X 4 accounts=20kg
So 20kg X 7days= 140kg
140kg X $0.5=$70

you pull 10-20k per account , you get 0.2 euro on euro servers.
so 10k -20k x30 day = 300-600k per account
300-600k x 0.2 euro = 60-120 euros per account

You bot 20 account per comp and make 1200-2400 euro / month
You spend 1 hour per week to maintain the farming bots and 5 hours per month selling the gold.
So 10 hours work a month adds up to 120-240 euros / hour

Of course after you spend alot of time figuring out how to set up the bots, reduce banning risk etc and before costs
Thanks for the advise. Im not new to botting. I used to run 6 accounts when glider was up. And i have been trying out a few days of botting with HB on my main by buying the 1 day trial.
When i say $10 an hour i dont meen constant work e.g. 8 hour days and 50 accounts....nothing big.
Just having 4 acounts running 10-12 hour days sending to toons which i would have an auction house profile set up on. So all i would have to do is start the bot before college, 10hours later log onto toon and start the AH profile, then rinse and repeat. Then on weekends spend a few hours selling the gold to someone who will defo take it for $.5 per 1kg.
I wouldnt of thought that would take more than 1 hour a day in total in to set everything up and sort out any glitches + what ever gold selling time... no? I guess not

Way easier said than done. Say you don't get banned, you will have issues finding legit consistent buyers to make that income as gold demand is completely random. The economy changes a lot and then factor in random dc's, other people competing for nodes, server population,etc Where do you plan to bot? If its a big/popular realm where the most demand is, its a lot harder to compete with other bots.
You can make money...sure but things won't be consistent and things will fluctuate. You won't get near 10 an hour, if you are super careful and do things probably you could probably make a couple of hundred a month in all honesty.
I live off disability and to make money on the side I use to sell gold in wow. But now I switched over to starwars. More money to be made with newer games then there is in older bot driven games. I made a killing off rift when ryftomate came out. Then I got banned and just gave up selling for a while. I now play to sell "gold" since I have so much free time. I pay off my bills with what I make from selling in game items. I can't wait for D3 to finally come out. Since I really like selling ingame items and making a job out of it since I can't work IRL and won't have to worry about if i'm going to get banned for selling items.

I know you were prob hoping you could make some cash with selling gold in WoW. But those days are over. I was selling gold in vanilla for $100/k and now it's like what? .50/k? Shits just not worth it anymore. Play wow for fun and bot for mats/gold for you account while playing another game to get some extra cash. Once you learn how to farm with playing a newer game you will get money. And if you don't have the time... Well I suggest you look for a part time job IRL. And if thats not a factor. Then there's really no other options. I feel your pain tho. I live on $465 a month and still go to school. Or at least I will be going back in about 3 months.
Atm with server prices in the range of 0.1-0.4USD there is no way to make money botting.

U need to have server prices at at least 0.5 to be able to sustain yourself.

Bot on the 5 biggest servers and try to sell to gamers for 1 euro/1000G, that way you can make like $1000 a month.

And never ever ever buy any accounts, 20% of the accounts you buy will be taken back by the seller. Truth.

When I was running pirox I was using 45ish bots and it was a breeze. However as I said, back then server prices were a bit better, around 0,5-0,6$.
Dunno, too much risk. I just use my bot to lvl my toons (I hate lvling) and atm for farming - <3 BGBuddy. I made a 2nd account for RaF to lvl some toons faster and I wanted another account because I was bored. I'm currently trying to get big on youtube, but it takes so much time zZzzzZzz, but there are ppl out there - e.g. 1 letsplayer in Germany who makes over 300k € per year. AAAAAAW YEEEEEEAAAAAH!
Dunno, too much risk. I just use my bot to lvl my toons (I hate lvling) and atm for farming - <3 BGBuddy. I made a 2nd account for RaF to lvl some toons faster and I wanted another account because I was bored. I'm currently trying to get big on youtube, but it takes so much time zZzzzZzz, but there are ppl out there - e.g. 1 letsplayer in Germany who makes over 300k &euro; per year. AAAAAAW YEEEEEEAAAAAH!
Omg, you have absolutely no idea...
The let's player is gronkh and I know that he is not making 300.000 &euro; a year.

And getting big on YouTube for having a job is an insanely stupid idea. And I'm 99.9% sure, that with your extremely unrealistic expectations you never will make it...

Ps: I'm guessing your 99 stands for the year you were born. This might be the reason for this unsettled idea...
Pps: what is your YouTube channel about? I hope it's not let's playing, otherwise the last 0.1% of hope are gone :p


Regarding that topic:
I think it's pretty unrealistic to make enough money for living.
It's not just about making the gold to sell it. You also need to sell it. In addition you need to make the gold on a server where the gold is requested for. So finding a buyer on the server you are trying to sell will be hard enough.
Then most people don't even need to buy gold anymore. There are enough bots, also for free. Also you get so much Gold by raiding, questing, etc. You actually don't even need money anymore for anything apart from items - which are also thrown away in instances... My Farmdruid hit 85 and 1 day later I had an itemlvl of 382... Flasks and buffood for raiding you will get from your guild. Same counts for enchants and gems (well partially you might need to buy them too). So there is no real need for gold as it was in BC when swift flying was extraordinary expensive and you had to get everything on your own.

And last but not least are your expenses... Electricity, PC, accounts, bot, etc.
And don't forget that if you are getting banned you will have to level new chars, which takes profitles time...

Especially the accounts will be expensive... If all your 20 accounts will be banned in a banwave you will loose around 1000&euro; for classic - cata + 260&euro; payed gametime. (in the example of a colleague above this would mean almost one month salary) And even if they are not getting banned you still would have 260&euro; monthly costs due to your subscription. (however there are ways to get gametinr cheaper)

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