Made this to exit any zone easily, could be incorporated into other scripts and thought it would be useful to the community.
Nice addition, but have you done research "
How to Exit" from, "Broken Crown Inn, Black Dagger Ruins" and "The Grand Emporium(Slave House), Protectors Enclave"?
If you have solution for this then I might have Questing Profile from LVL0 to LVL25 (Graavy Yard, near End) and it is tested with TR, GF, DC, GWF and CW, but only CW has automatic skill update.
It might fail several place,
like hangs if try use Injury Kit, failure to end Vendor interaction in Tower Distric, not End PickUp Mission correctly(some place), some Dialogs cant be complete, but those failures are just
WinterBuddy features.
Anyway Profile skips "Troubled Times" because it seems that Quest is not compatible with WinterBuddy and it also skip many other Quests what just cause Troubles when I tested them.
Oh, allmost forgot that I added "Slave Quest" (they call it Companion) so it pick automagicly your Free Slave... but WinterBuddy just cant Exit that place so maybe I add "Stop Bot" -command because WinterBuddy fails there...
ps. PM me if need examples Profile what fails etc.