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Exilebuddy Release Thread (The Awakening 2.0.0)

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2013
Welcome to the Exilebuddy Release thread for 2.0.0!

Exilebuddy only supports the International version of Path of Exile (managed by GGG). Garena versions are not supported (and will not be).

Please start with the Support F.A.Q.. All support issues should go in the Support Forum. Please remember to attach a full log if you're in need of support.

The previous set of guides for Exilebuddy are in the Exilebuddy Guides section. They will be slowly updated and replaced with updated versions in the near future. For now, most useful information can be found in this thread.

If you're new to Exilebuddy, it is highly recommend you read over the posted guides and stickies multiple times before diving into Exilebuddy. For existing users who have been following the Beta, the guides and stickies contain some additional information that is worth checking over again.

Please see the Getting Started (EN) post in this thread once you're ready.

Guides for a few of the new plugins can also be found in this thread.
AutoLogin Plugin
AutoPassives Plugin
GemLeveler Plugin
ItemFilterEditor Plugin
LowFpsHelper - Only for VM/FPS limited setups

Due to extensive Exilebuddy changes, all plugins need updates. Please do not try to use old plugins as they will not work until they are updated.


Path of Exile is a game that updates frequently. Please understand that the bot has to be updated each client update, regardless of how "simple" the patch might seem to be. We do not do automatic build and deploys for user safety. The bot will be updated as soon as possible when an update happens, but the timing and complexity of changes will have an effect on how soon a new build is made. If additional downtime is expected, we'll try to post a forum sticky to let users know as this happens.

The 2.0.1 content patch is scheduled for next week at minimal, so we might see a little additional downtime as the game continues to update and transition into its new era. There's nothing we can do differently to avoid this, so please be patient as the game is in a phase of constant updates again (really old EB users already know what this is like!)

2.0.0 specifics
  • It is highly recommenced you play though the game yourself before attempting to bot. Otherwise, you'll run into a lot of issues not understanding how things work.
  • A certain amount of "babysitting" will be required with Exilebuddy for the short term. It is our goal to reduce this as much as possible, but it will take time and a lot of testing.
  • Botting hardcore leagues is not recommended. It is possible there are new mechanics in the league that are not handled yet, so your character will most likely die if you are not watching it and are unable to help it out in time. Please report any instances of this, but short term leagues are not fully supported.
  • OldGrindBot is a basic grind bot. It is not meant to be used from level 1 and does not play though the game for you and do quests or master missions. If you choose to bot on low level characters that are under geared, the bot will struggle. This is the current design of the bot implementation we provide.
  • OldRoutine is a basic routine that is designed around the idea of using a few skills based on mobs around the player. This design works for basic builds, but does not offer the customization required for more complex builds. While a new routine is planned, users should consider making their own build specific routines that takes advantage of the API to have something that caters to their needs.
  • The new/updated skills have not been tested, and any new mechanics involving them, such as minion clones, are not supported at this time. As time goes on, we'll look into ensuring fully support for as many skills as possible, but for now, the new skills are use at your own risk.
  • It is recommended to not use client item filters unless you're sure your bot item filter will not cause the bot to try and pickup items you have hidden. Unexpected results will happen otherwise.
  • Please remember to dump new game files for 2.0.0 rather than using old versions. Please see the "The "Dev" Tab: Runtime Development Using CodeDOM" guide to do so. NOTE: The DevTab is now a plugin, but its use remains the same.
  • Please enable "Always Highlight" in the PoE client UI options. If you don't the bot will have issues with some interactions.
  • "Move Only" needs to be on your skill bar in a slot other than the Left Mouse Button.
  • You should enable "Key Pickup" in the PoE client options so the bot doesn't click on random items.
  • You should not leave the bot unattended in an area you have not botted before. Some areas work well, some do not. It depends on your build and the RNG of the map generation. Some areas have known issues that we cannot fix yet, because changing logic would result in other areas breaking.
  • BUG: There was a previously known bug with mana calculation when using multiple auras and various reductions. This has not been tracked down yet, but the bug resulted in some skills not being used (under-estimation of current mana). This is still on the todo list, but did not pose a release preventing issues.
  • Any old terrain issues will most likely still exist unless the area's generation itself changed (a few have). There's no solution for these issues other than helping the bot out manually if it gets stuck.
  • No changes have been made to stuck logic, as it's a secondary concern compared to everything else that needed to be done. Better support for handling this is planned in the future. Lunaris 2 (formerly 3) often has chests that block walkway corners, which can cause the bot to get stuck, for example. It's recommended to keep on eye on your bot if you're running areas like these.
  • The bot cannot navigation though The Grand Arena automatically. Support for this will be added later.
  • The bot cannot handle the last boss fight, not that it'd survive anyways even if it could. Users need very in-depth CRs for this boss fight as face tanking is not an option.

Default Bot/Routine

Exilebuddy comes with a default bot and routine for users to bot with. For guides on these, please see the following links.

OldGrindBot: Please see the old BasicGrindBot Guide.
OldRoutine: Please see the old ExampleRoutine Guide.


Beta (Changelog)

Release (Changelog)

Devs: Quick API Reference
Last edited:
***** Detection Awareness

***** Detection and You

On January 11, 2015, patch (1.3.0i) was deployed. This patch contained what appeared to be an unannounced ***** detection system for Path of Exile. This would be the first client-sided ***** detection system ever used in the game, so an updated build of Exilebuddy was not pushed that day, and an announcement thread was made to notify users of the downtime. When it was absolutely clear what was added to the client, and conclusive proof backing that was obtained, a second announcement was made to let users know why there would be additional downtime. We are now ready to move forward with the next version of Exilebuddy, but before we do, there's some important information for users to know.

On July 9, 2015, a new variant of this system was first deployed on the CBT realm, and is now a part of the Release realm. This resulted in additional downtime for Exilebuddy past the original expected release date. While Exilebuddy was already down for maintenance, people *****ing did in fact get detected and banned. While downtime is frustrating, user security is a high priority, and we'll do our best to ensure Exilebuddy is as safe as possible amidst this.

During our downtime, a lot of information has been posted on other forums about the ***** detection system Path of Exile now uses. We cannot comment on others' research, observations, or speculations in relation to how it might/might not affect Exilebuddy. Based on the information available to us, we've made changes to Exilebuddy necessary to provide the safest possible means of botting.

This presents an important issue for users to understand: the continued use of any unauthorized 3rd party software developed without consideration for the new ***** detection system puts your account at additional risk. The following actions are examples of things that can result in your account being banned (at GGG's discretion):
  • Loading unauthorized modules into the Path of Exile process space [DLL injection].
  • Any Path of Exile code section modifications [Client modding].
  • Running unauthorized 3rd party software that interacts with the client [Auto-pot, overlays, etc...].
  • Allocating memory in the Path of Exile process [Hooks, detours, non-module based stuff, etc...].
As it stands, Exilebuddy is as safe as we can get it, so no other changes to improve its security can be made until the ***** detection changes (which we expect it to as time goes on). It is the user's responsibility to ensure they are not doing anything prohibited by GGG that will be detected by the ***** detection and thus result in their account being banned. We do expect ban reports to increase as a result, but we understand enough about the new system in place to ensure users Exilebuddy is as safe as possible, and there's nothing else to be changed.

Client Updates

During our downtime, we've made some new tools to help assist us with future client updates. Unfortunately, we need to be extra careful with each patch from here on out to try and avoid releasing an update that causes the bot to be detected by the ***** detection. As a result, each patch will most likely see additional downtime, but we'll try to have EB up and running as soon as possible. When there are ***** detection updates, or other changes that affect the bot, we'll most likely not talk about it unless it's something entirely new and users need to be made aware of it.

Running Exilebuddy

Users must now rename Exilebuddy.exe/ExilebuddyBETA.exe to another random name of their choice to run Exilebuddy. We're sorry for this inconvenience, but it is now necessary with the ***** detection system in place. Since Exilebuddy supports command line arguments, and users have various programs and scripts in which they need to know the exe name, we cannot generate a random name at runtime and relaunch the bot.

In addition, please rename the folder you extract Exilebuddy to as well. The bot will not launch if "Exilebuddy" is in the last path part.

For example:
"C:\Users\MyUser\Downloads\ExilebuddyBETA" - Bad
"C:\Users\MyUser\Downloads\EB-qwerty" - Fine (but don't use public examples)

This is required simply as a precaution.
Beta Changelog

#1225 [24 Feb 16 08:13] (
  • Updates for
  • GuessStashLocation update for Act 4.

#1224 [23 Feb 16 23:50] (
  • Various bug fixes for CreatePortalToTown logic when using the Portal skill.

#1223 [21 Feb 16 02:04] (
  • Various GreyMagic updates.
  • LokiPoe.InGameState.PurchasePanel.UpdateCurrentTabItems now takes a ShouldUpdateItemDelegate to determine which items need to be updated for inclusion in the PurchasePanel API. By default, all items are still updated. This is to allow devs to only update a limited number of items they want to process, as opposed to having to update all items each time they visit the vendor.

#1222 [19 Feb 16 01:43] (
  • Updates for

#1221 [16 Feb 16 10:22] (
  • Updates for
  • InventoryTab now implements a ToString function.
  • BaseComponent ToString function updated.

#1220 [15 Feb 16 21:56] (
  • Various GreyMagic updates.
  • LokiPoe.GuiTick is now only invoked once LokiPoe.IsBotFullyLoaded is true. Before, it was running at startup before the bot had fully initialized.
  • The AutoPassives plugin now has a setting to only allocate passives in town. This is now enabled by default (can be changed though the Settings GUI) to avoid frequent issues with death during the passive allocation process.

#1218 [05 Feb 16 09:28] (
  • The startup OS logging code now falls back to the old version if the new version fails.
  • An extra debug logging line was added to ResurrectTask when the player should be resurrected so they know the task completed and returned. Before, it was unclear that the task completed in logs.
  • ResurrectTask will now attempt to logout if resurrection fails. If that fails, then the bot will stop. This is an attempt to solve a rare issue where the client's gui breaks, and no interactions can be done.
  • GuiSettings.DisabledContent added and exposed via the Gui Settings tab. It allows users to make the bot not load specific content (to decrease load time from compiling unused plugins).
  • LowFpsHelper is now on the default DisabledContent list. This is to help new users avoid issues from using it when they are not supposed to, and seeing negative effects. To enable it, simply go to Settings -> Gui, remove the "LowFpsHelper" entry in the "DisabledContent" section, and restart the bot.

#1216 [29 Jan 16 05:31] (
  • Updates for
  • Various GreyMagic updates. Please report any unexpected problems in the Support forums.

#1215 [27 Jan 16 09:11] (
  • Actor.FlameblastCharges updated to return the correct number of charges.
  • Actor.ReaveCharges, Actor.IncinerateCharges, and Actor.BladeVortexCharges added to allow users to know how many charges of each skill exist. These must be used post 2.0 due to changes in how skills store their charges.
  • OldRoutine now has an option to skip shrine logic altogether. It's at the very bottom of its settings gui.
  • The walkable location for area transitions has been lowered from 35 to 28 to avoid some side-effects of the point being too far away.
  • OS info logging updated to support post Windows 8.
  • Added Setup/readme.txt to give users a link to the BuddyWizard.
  • The Scripts folder should now be properly included with the bot. It was accidentally removed 11 months ago.
  • v3.FinishCurrentAction bug fix where the total elapsed time was being reset for display purposes. The coroutine will now return after 15s of execution as opposed to 60s.
  • v3.CreatePortalToTown logic for using the portal skill slightly improved. It will now no longer wait a static amount of time, but rather poll for the new portal to take it faster.
  • Various GreyMagic updates. Please report any unexpected problems in the Support forums.

#1208 [21 Jan 16 06:42] (
  • Updates for
  • EB will no longer start on Wine. Users are advised not to play PoE on Wine for the time being.
  • ExilePather.WalkablePositionFor now has a hard-fix for "The Coast" area transition to try and prevent the bot from getting stuck on the wall to its side. Other area transitions that have magically broken recently need different fixes.
  • OldRoutine.HandleShrines now implements an interaction counter for shrines to avoid getting stuck on them if they are bugged in the client from spawning inside terrain. In addition, the shrine will check the blacklist, and will blacklist shrines it cannot move towards.
  • AreaStateCache will now try to find a walkable location in a larger radius around area transitions to avoid issues where they are placed too far in unwalkable terrain.
  • v3.TakeClosestPortal now waits up to 10s to detect a portal object, and uses a simple distance check to locate it.
  • TravelToGrindZoneTask now implements an attempt counter for taking area transitions in hopes of avoiding an issue where the bot gets stuck if no path to the area transition can be found. To help the bot recover, a new instance will be set for the current area.

#1207 [17 Jan 16 01:38] (
  • Added Configuration.Path, a convenience property for getting the path of the settings folder for the current Configuration.
  • The Recast agent radius has been increased to 3 from 1 to try and avoid issues with the bot trying to pathfind though tight walls.
  • Utility flasks are no longer enabled by default in ConfigurableItemEvaluator.
  • ThirdPartyLoader updates:
    • Config folders are now stored in a common root folder, _CONFIGS_. This it to avoid clutter and to allow easier support for folders to be loaded along with zips.
    • Support added for loading folders in the same structural layout as zips. There is no MD5 tracking, so the destination contents are always replaced to stay up-to-date.

#1205 [15 Jan 16 23:52] (

#1202 [14 Jan 16 02:18] (
  • Updates for
  • TravelThroughBossAreasTask now broadcasts oldgrindbot_local_area_changed_event to signal when a local area transition is attempted to be taken.
  • TagWaypointTask updated to skip execution until an area or local area change happens. This it to avoid an issue where it was possible to pathfind too often in The Sceptre of God (since the waypoint is on a different level).

#1199 [13 Jan 16 01:37] (
  • Loki.Common.ScriptManager updated with modernization changes.
    • Initialize now registers types in their entirety by name. Before, only public static methods were registered into the global namespace. This means most existing Python code will break. This is because methods must now be accessed though their type. For example, MyMethod used to be valid, but now must be MyType.MyMethod.
    • Properties are now supported, before they were not. Extensions should continue to work like before.
  • HelixToolkit updated to 2015.1.657 from 2015.1.503
  • IronPython updated to 2.7.5 from 2.7.1
  • MahApps.Metro updated to 1.2.0 from 1.1.2
  • Newtonsoft.Json updated to 8.0.2 from 7.0.1
  • Added Actor convenience properties for the Vaal aura buffs: HasVaalDeterminationBuff, HasVaalVitalityBuff, HasVaalClarityBuff, HasVaalGraceBuff, HasVaalDisciplineBuff, HasVaalHasteBuff, HasGluttonyOfElementsBuff.

#1194 [12 Jan 16 04:35] (
  • The StuckDetection plugin does not run in the map room anymore.
  • Added Utility.BroadcastEventExecute (to mirror BroadcastEventLogic). This executes the Execute function in the current bot, routine, and enabled plugins.
  • Various internal updates/improvements to GridExplorer.
  • Monster.IsActive and Monster.IsActiveDead is now cached per-frame to avoid extra overhead.
  • AssignMoveSkillTask now only executes logic once per bot start/stop to avoid unnecessary overhead per Tick.
  • LokiPoe.MyPosition and LokiPoe.MyWorldPosition added. These are optimized properties for getting your character's position without going though the ObjectManager/Component system. Users will not notice any performance differences using them, but they can make a minor difference under certain situations.
  • All instances of LokiPoe.Me.Position replaced with LokiPoe.MyWorldPosition and LokiPoe.Me.WorldPosition with LokiPoe.MyWorldPosition. User code is not affected, as LokiPoe.Me.Position is still valid and ok to use.
  • Actor.DeployedObjects added. It wraps Components.ActorComponent.DeployedObjects.

#1192 [31 Dec 15 04:18] (
  • Updates for
  • A new object/component system has been added and is currently being worked on. Loki.Game.Lazy stuff should not be used, as it's still being developed, but it is accessible.
  • Actor.HasProximityShield now handles the buff granted from Nemesis mods.
  • Temp .g.resources files are now created inside CompiledAssemblyPath to avoid issues when multiple bots are started at similar times.

#1190 [25 Dec 15 01:41] (
  • NpcDialogPanel.Title added. This returns the title of the current NPC dialog panel.
  • NpcDialogPanel.HasConversed added. This allows users to know if they have already talked to a NPC about a specific topic.
  • v3.FinishCurrentAction updated to not potentially infinity loop when the player dies in the middle of an action. In addition it now has a 1 minute timeout to avoid any other potential looping issues if the bot breaks sync with the client.
  • Event logging added to CommonEvents to help add context to logs.
  • Experimental PlayerMover changes made to hopefully reduce City of Sarn stuck issues along walls.

#1189 [23 Dec 15 08:31] (
  • Null exception fix for IsOnCooldown when there is not an ActiveSkill.
  • Actor.PowerCharges, Actor.FrenzyCharges, and Actor.EnduranceCharges updated to the new system being used in the client.

#1188 [23 Dec 15 07:21] (
  • Updates for
  • Added HandleAllFlame task. This task will turn in the Allflame to Captain Fairgraves if it's in your inventory and you're in The Ship Graveyard.
  • OldRoutine will now cast a Golem. The skill has to be on your skill bar. Only one type is supported at a time if you can summon more than one.
  • Skill.IsOnCooldown updated for 2.1+ changes.

#1187 [21 Dec 15 08:31] (
  • Updates for
  • Added v3.TakeClosestAreaTransition.
  • ExplorationCompleteTask will now attempt to take the new portal spawned at the end of a corrupted area.

#1186 [20 Dec 15 00:16] (
  • ObjectExplorer now lists the id for skills.
  • LocalPlayer.TotalCursesAllowed updated to account for Whispers of Doom. However, it must search though all passives to find it.
  • OldRoutine now caches LokiPoe.Me.TotalCursesAllowed.
  • OldRoutine implements aura skill id blacklisting.
  • Added a task to handle interacting with Deshret's Spirit in Mines 2.
  • Added ObjectManager.DeshretSpirit.

#1185 [19 Dec 15 09:17] (
  • The default behavior of placing items from the cursor was inconsistent. This has been fixed by making the default behavior allow placing items over other items, but in order to not break existing logic, API breaking changes had to be made.
  • StashPanel/InventoryPanel/GuildStashPanel.PlaceFromCursor function signature changed. It now takes a bool, allowOverlap that allows users to specify if placing items over other items is allowed.
  • Inventory.CanFitItemAt function signature changed. It now takes a bool, allowOverlap that allows users to specify if placing items over other items is allowed.
  • GameData.ActiveSkillsEnum added to provide an consistent means of referring to skills by id rather than name.
  • Added a GenerateActiveSkills script used to generate the new ActiveSkillsEnum data.
  • BaseComponent.BaseItemType added. This is a DatBaseItemTypeWrapper object that represents the ggpk data.
  • Item.Class added. This wraps the DatBaseItemTypeWrapper.ItemClass property.
  • Item.BaseItemType added. This is a wrapper for the BaseComponent.BaseItemType property.
  • ObjectExplorer now logs Item.Class.
  • InventoryPanel.FastMove now supports fast moving into the IsCardTradeWindowOpen.
  • InventoryPanel.FastMove now rejects fast moving items with MTX attachments to places other than stash.
  • CardTradePanel.FastMove added. This function fast moves the item in the card trade panel to the main inventory.
  • Buff/Aura processing needs a revamp due to mechanics changed from the introduction of Blasphemy.
  • Actor.HasBuffFromSelf and Actor.HasBuffFromOther added. These take a BuffDefinitionsEnum to check for a buff.
  • Actor.CurseCount updated to only return curses cast by others that are affecting the actor.
  • Actor.HasCurseFrom added that takes an ActiveSkillsEnum to check if a curse is present from a specific skill.
  • All Actor.IsCursedWithXXX properties now use HasBuffFromOther to check if the curse is negative. They also use ActiveSkillsEnum rather than strings.
  • Added IsCursingWithXXX properties that use HasBuffFromSelf to check if the curse is positive. They also use ActiveSkillsEnum rather than strings.
  • The Punishment curse has been updated to reflect the new version.
  • Actor.HasBuffFrom removed since it only implemented a few skills for the buff check.
  • Actor.IsCursingWith added to check if the actor is aura cursing. It uses ActiveSkillsEnum.
  • Actor.GetSkills, Actor.GetSkill, and Actor.HasSkill added. These take an ActiveSkillsEnum to determine if a skill is present.
  • Skill.ActiveSkillsEnum added. Skills now track their enum.
  • Actor.HasConsideredAuraFrom added to easily check if a considered aura is giving a buff.
  • Skill.AmICursingWithThis added to easily check if the current skill is a curse being aura casted by the player.
  • Skill.AmIUsingConsideredAuraWithThis added to easily check if the current skill is a considered aura being casted by the player.
  • Skill.IsConsideredAura added. This returns true if the skill is a considered aura: herald_of_ash, herald_of_ice, herald_of_thunder, and arctic_armour.
  • OldRoutine updated to make use of these new API features to support casting auras, aura curses, and considered aura skills from a single slot.
  • OldRoutine Enduring Cry logic updated for the skill change.

#1184 [18 Dec 15 06:17] (
  • Updates for
  • Updates for
  • Item.IsTalismanType fixed.
  • DatBaseItemTypeWrapper.ItemClass added, which was introduced in this patch.
  • DumpBaseItemTypes will now also dump DatBaseItemTypeWrapper.ItemClass.

#1183 [17 Dec 15 04:33] (
  • Updates for
  • Added Skill.IsAurifiedCurse.
  • OldRoutine will not add AurifiedCurses to the curse casting list.

#1182 [16 Dec 15 20:29] (
  • Updates for -
  • AssignPassivesTask will now attempt to close the reset passive dialog before skipping execution due to a full reset being present.
  • The GameData.MinimapIcon type has been removed.
  • NetworkObject.MinimapIcon has changed from a MinimapIcon type (now removed) to a DatMinimapIconWrapper type.
  • MissionMarker.Icon and MissionMarker.IsVisible removed. Use NetworkObject.MinimapIcon and NetworkObject.IsMinimapIconVisible instead.
  • MinimapIconComponent.Icon (MinimapIcon) replaced with MinimapIconComponent.MinimapIcon (DatMinimapIconWrapper)
  • PurchasePanel.SwitchToTab now implements waiting for contents like PreviousTab/NextTab.
  • WaitForPurchase now returns a bool to signal if waiting for the panel to load timed out or not. This is to mirror WaitForStash, as it was possible for infinite loops to occur on client hiccups.
  • PurchasePanel.Tabs changed to PurchasePanel.TabNames for consistency.
  • Various GuildStashPanel updates to ensure tabs are fully loaded before API functions return.
  • GuildStashPanel.IsOnLastTab and GuildStashPanel.IsOnFirstTab added.
  • GuildStashPanel.PreviousTab now checks IsOnFirstTab and GuildStashPanel.NextTab checks IsOnLastTab to prevent unnecessary waiting.
  • GuildStashPanel.WaitForGuildStash added to wait for the inital tab to load after opening.
  • GuildStashPanel.GoToLastTab added.
  • GuildStashPanel.GoToFirstTab and GuildStashPanel.GoToLastTab now fail after trying to change a tab page for 5s.
  • GuildStashPanel.CurrentTabItems added for consistency. It is an alias for GuildStashPanel.CurrentTabInventory.Items.
  • Inventory.Cols added as an alias for Inventory.Columns.
  • StashPanel.GoToFirstTab and StashPanel.GoToLastTab now fail after trying to change a tab page for 5s.
  • StashPanel.GoToLastTab added.
  • StashPanel.PreviousTab now checks IsOnFirstTab and StashPanel.NextTab checks IsOnLastTab to prevent unnecessary waiting.
  • StashPanel.IsOnLastTab added.
  • StashPanel.CurrentTabItems added for consistency. It is an alias for StashPanel.CurrentTabInventory.Items.
  • SkillGemHud.AreLevelIconsDisplayed changed from a function to a property.
  • The static location for The Ledge entrance should now be fixed in The Submerged Passage.
  • Removed the obsolete InGameState.AreLevelSkillGemIconsDisplayed function.
  • Removed the obsolete InGameState.ClearLevelSkillGemIcon function.
  • Fixed a possible infinite loop in SocialPanel.JoinPublicParty.
  • JoinPublicPartyError.TimedOut added to signal when SocialPanel.JoinPublicParty times out.
  • TradePanel.AcceptTrade added.
  • TradeActionError.CantAccept added.
  • Fixed a bug in Skill.ToString where it would check of it could be cast when the skill didn't belong to the player.
  • StoneAltar object wrapper added.
  • Added Item.IsTalismanType.
  • Added InventoryPanel.EquipSkillGemToNeck.
  • Skill.ToString no longer logs AllStats, too much clutter.
  • Fixed a bug where ObjectManager.TreeRoots, UndyingBlockage would always return null due to the game object changing in types.
  • GemLeveler adds support for gems in the Neck slot.
  • HandleA2Q9 logic simplified some to not use quest data.
  • Added more dump scripts: DumpActiveSkills, DumpGrantedEffects, DumpGrantedEffectsPerLevel, DumpMinimapIcons, DumpNpcTalk.
  • TrackMoreMobs logic updated to try and avoid stuck issues.

#1179 [04 Dec 15 02:42] (
  • Updates for

#1178 [27 Nov 15 02:21] (
  • Updates for
  • LootItemsTask output string format updated.
  • Added LokiPoe.InGameState.SkillGemHud. This provides additional API functions for working with the level skill gem hud on the right side of the screen.
    • AreLevelIconsDisplayed - Returns true if any level skill gem buttons are visible.
    • CanLevelFirstLevelSkillGem - Returns true if the first level skill gem icon can be leveled.
    • FirstLevelSkillGemItem - Returns the SkillGem of the first level skill gem icon.
    • LevelFirstLevelSkillGemIcon - Attempts to level the skill gem by left clicking on the button.
    • ClearFirstLevelSkillGemIcon - Attempts to clear the skill gem icon by right clicking on the button.
  • InGameState.ClearLevelSkillGemIcon and InGameState.AreLevelSkillGemIconsDisplayed are now marked Obsolete as they are replaced. However, they are not removed yet to avoid breaking any existing code using them.

#1176 [25 Nov 15 22:37] (
  • Added SocialPanel.VisitPartyMemberHideout. This API allows users to visit the hideout of a party member via the Social Panel (which must be opened and on the current party tab).
  • Added InGameState.ContextVisitHideoutOfPartyMember. This API allows users to visit the hideout of a party member via the party overlay on the main HUD (which must not be obscured by other guis).
  • LootItemsTask now has a movement timeout to stop the bot from spending too long moving towards an item. It defaults to 3 minutes to avoid long travel time on larger areas at normal run speed.
  • LootItemsTask now checks for an item being blacklisted and abandons the current item cached to loot. This allows users to blacklist items during task execute to stop looting of that item.
  • LootItemsTask.Execute now supports:
    • GetItem, which returns an AreaStateCache.ItemLocation object of the current item cached for looting.
    • SetMovementTimeOut, which takes an int to override the default time (in MS) to spend moving towards an item.
    • GetMovementTimeOut, which returns an int.
  • ObjectExplorer will now show static location information in the Current Area tab.

#1175 [16 Nov 15 05:18] (
  • Updates for
  • Added GlobalSettings.BuddyUpdaterName. Users may specify a name (not extension!) override for the Buddy updater, which defaults to buddyupdater#, where # is the current TickCount. This is for users who need the updater to have a specific non-random name when ran.
  • The DownloadWindow gui has been updated to suppress message boxes with the --silent argument, and now will return 3 new error codes. UpdaterNotFound when the updater could not be located after downloading, UpdateException when any exception is thrown during the process of starting the updater, and Updating, EB is closing to run the updater.
  • Added a new argument --failwitherror. This argument takes an int, which represents one of the existing ApplicationExitCodes. Upon fully loading, the bot will then exit with this error code set. This is for users to test various error code logic in their apps, without having to change the exit code on their side. For example, to make the bot exit with no error, users would pass this command to the bot, --failwitherror:0

#1173 [13 Nov 15 05:30] (
  • Updates for
  • Added Rarity and Reaction to the NetworkObject section of Object Explorer.

#1171 [10 Nov 15 08:08] (
  • Updates for
  • Added support for a --silent command. This will suppress message boxes in the gui on startup for people trying to fully automate EB. Right now only two message boxes are handled; unsupported version and offsets unavailable, but more will be in the future.
  • LokiPoe.ApplicationExitCode added to set the gui's exit code now. While this is internal, EB will now return a specific error code based on whatever error caused EB to exit on startup. To get the current codes, check the LokiPoe.ApplicationExitCodes enum.
  • Skill.FinalSpellCost added which returns the final mana cost of a skill (real mana cost of % reserved).
  • Skill.SpellCost is now a float and does not do any rounding. It still returns the relative skill cost. (a 50% reserved skill would return 50 and a 50 mana skill would return 50).
  • Skill.CanUse logic updates to hopefully allow 100% mana usage with auras.
  • Added some extra stat object validation to ensure stats are properly processed.
  • Skill.AllStats added. This uses the updated stat logic to return all inherited stats along with the base skill stats.
  • ObjectExplorer now shows opened chests with a different text label.
  • Actor.Stats and ModStats now return an empty Dictionary rather than null to be consistent with the rest of the API.
  • StatsComponent logic updated to account for the current stat system used in the client.
  • PluginManager.OrderedEnabledPlugins now returns a List rather than an IEnumerable. This is to be consistent with OrderedPlugins, which returns a List.
  • PluginManager.OrderedPlugins is now cached and created during the PluginManager.Load call. This is to eliminate unnecessary overhead of reordering plugins each Tick and to fix a design inconsistency where the bot must be restarted after the plugin order changes for it to take effect.

#1167 [04 Nov 15 21:19] (
  • The Auth D/C issue should now be fixed.

#1166 [04 Nov 15 06:18 (
  • Updates for
  • Additional auth logging to track down the session invalid issue.

#1165 [03 Nov 15 01:17] (
  • Updates for
  • Added a DarkShrine object to represent the new shrines.
  • ObjectManager.DarkShrines added to return active dark shrines.
  • InGameState.DarkShrinePanel added to interact with the dark shrine ui. It works similarly to the CardTradePanel.
  • ObjectExplorer updated to list Dark Shrines.
  • Additional auth logging to track down the session invalid issue.

#1162 [31 Oct 15 05:37] (
  • Added task_execute documentation.
  • The --config argument will now take highest precedent if used with the AutoChooseConfig setting enabled. Before, the config name would only be used if the AutoChooseConfig setting was not enabled.
  • Newtonsoft.Json updated from 5.0.6 to 7.0.1.
  • Newtonsoft.Json.dll is no longer merged into the Exilebuddy exe.

#1160 [26 Oct 15 02:05] (
  • Protection changes to fix EB not fully closing on exit.
  • Item.HasFullStack added for convenience. It returns true if the current item's stack count matches the max stack size.

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Release Changelog

#165 [24 Feb 16 08:17] (
  • Beta #1223 - #1225.

#164 [19 Feb 16 01:47] (
  • Beta #1222.

#163 [16 Feb 16 10:34] (
  • Beta #1221.

#162 [15 Feb 16 22:01] (
  • Beta #1218 - #1220.

#161 [29 Jan 16 06:10] (
  • Beta #1215 - #1216.

#159 [21 Jan 16 08:13] (
  • Beta #1208.

#158 [18 Jan 16 12:01] (
  • Beta #1205 - #1207.

#156 [14 Jan 16 02:44] (
  • Beta #1194 - #1202.

#154 [31 Dec 15 06:20] (
  • Beta #1190 - #1192.

#153 [23 Dec 15 08:34] (
  • Beta #1189..

#152 [23 Dec 15 07:25] (
  • Beta #1188.

#151 [21 Dec 15 09:00] (
  • Beta #1182 - #1187.

#149 [04 Dec 15 02:48] (
  • Beta #1179

#148 [27 Nov 15 20:58] (
  • Beta #1176 - .#1178.

#147 [16 Nov 15 05:23] (
  • Beta #1175.

#146 [Next Version] (
  • Beta #1173.

#145 [11 Nov 15 02:04] (
  • Beta #1171.

#143 [04 Nov 15 21:26] (
  • Beta #1167.

#142 [04 Nov 15 20:21] (
  • Beta #1162 - #1166.

#140 [26 Oct 15 03:57] (
  • Beta #1076 - #1160
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Getting Started (EN)

Run "ExilebuddyBETA.exe".

For fast access to Support, please click on the "Support" text in the top right corner of the GUI. In order to receive support for Exilebuddy, you must have bought your key from exilebuddy.com. You should be able to see the key you purchased through the BuddyAuth key page. If you use any 3rd party patchers or keys not originating from us, you may experience crashes, or other broken behavior. We will not be able to help you with your problems in those cases. If you encounter any bot crashes, you will need to attach a full, unedited log. You can find your logs in the Logs folder of Exilebuddy.

Windows XP support has now ended. Exilebuddy will no longer work on Windows XP and no support will be given to Windows XP users.

Exilebuddy has a few extra requirements to run (which are now shared with all of our bots, so you can simply use an installer for our other bots to ensure you have the required prerequisites).

Problems with a new install of a Buddy product? Try the Buddy Dependency Wizard!

The requirements are as follows:
Please make sure to re-run the installers if you think you have them installed, but are still having issues.

Some users might also need to run Exilebuddy as Administrator. If you are having issues, make sure you run as Administrator to see if your problem is solved.

Client Settings
Key Pickup should be set to "Use Highlight Key". Future support for the bound key will be looked into, but "Disabled" is not supported; the bot might loot unwanted items.

It is recommended to disable all non-essential notifications via the Notification tab in the client settings. The only notification required is Trade notifications if you wish to have a bot that uses the trading API, as there's no other way to accept trades. Party notifications are not required, as the Social window can be used to accept them.

Networking Mode can be either Lockstep or Predictive, as bot logic is not tuned to either. It is not recommended to use Lockstep with high latency though, as you will notice a lot of movement stuttering.

It is recommended to rebind MMB and RMB if you are going to be using ranged skills to avoid GUI overlap. Since LMB cannot be rebound, no ranged skills should be used on that key. Move-only is required on the skill bar, and cannot only be in the LMB slot.

Step 1: Language Selection

This is the "language selection" GUI.

Currently, Exilebuddy is implemented in English, but is being updated to support additional localization. However, only the English International version of Path of Exile is supported. Google translate has been used to fill in some placeholder localization text to give people an idea of how the new system works.

Users may place a check mark in the "Always use this language?" check box in order to skip this GUI if they always want to use the same language on startup. Users are able to change this setting via the "Settings" GUI once Exilebuddy loads in case this is no longer desired.

The bot window specific hotkeys are active from this GUI. Users may change the language using a hotkey at any time. Please see the Hotkeys section for more information.

After the desired language has been selected, users should press the "Select" button to continue.

Step 2: Configuration Selection

This is the "configuration selection" GUI.

Exilebuddy supports program specific configurations to allow users to easily manage multiple settings for different characters and all of the bots/plugins/routines loaded. Once a configuration has been selected, it cannot be changed until the bot is restarted and a new configuration is selected.

New configurations can be created by simply typing in the name, while existing configurations can be selected from the drop down list.

Users may place a checkmark in the "Always use this config?" checkbox in order to skip this GUI if they always want to use the same configuration on startup. Users are able to change this setting via the "Settings" GUI once Exilebuddy loads in case this is no longer desired.

After the desired configuration has been selected, users should press the "Select" button to continue.

Step 3: Update

If the version of Exilebuddy you are using is no longer the current version, you might see an update window at startup. This window shows the current version's changelog so users can update to the latest version.

Simply click "Yes" to automatically download and install the latest version. Otherwise, click "No" to continue using the current version.

By default, Exilebuddy will check for updates.

Step 4: Login

This is the "login window" GUI.

Simply type in or paste your Exilebuddy product key and press "Login".

Your key will be saved in global settings, so you will only have to enter it once. By default, Exilebuddy will auto-login using the stored key. Users are able to change this setting via the "Settings" GUI once Exilebuddy loads in case this is no longer desired.

Step 5: Process Selection

This is the "process selection" GUI. It will only be shown if there is not exactly 1 Path of Exile process that can be auto-attached to. Please keep in mind Exilebuddy must be ran as Administrator for the bot to attach to any Path of Exile clients that were also ran as Administrator.

Exilebuddy can now be launched while no clients are ready to be attached to. Users can press the "Refresh" button to try and find a client to attach to when ready.

The "Activate" button can be used to bring the process's window to the foreground. This is to help identify specific clients without having to use the Task Manager to check the process id.

Users may double click on the process to attach to or highlight the process and click the "Select" button.

Step 6: Main Window

This is the main Exilebuddy bot window. This GUI has been redesigned to provide a more simple and seamless experience for users.

By clicking on the "PID" text, the client that Exilebuddy is attached to is brought to the foreground.

The "Settings " GUI can be brought up by clicking on the "Settings" text in the top right corner of the GUI. A new window will appear with the new settings tab.

The current bot and routine can be set from the respective list boxes. Plugins can be enabled/disabled/configured from the "Settings" GUI.

Right clicking on the log file name text box will offer "Copy" and "Zip" features for the current log. Before, there were buttons for those operations.

Right clicking on the log contents text box will provide the "Clear" feature to clear the current displayed text.

Lastly, the bot can be started or stopped by clicking on the "Start" button (whose text will change when the bot is already running).

When the bot thread is active, the X button will become enabled, allowing the users to hard kill it in case it gets locked up.

Step 7: Settings Window

This is Exilebuddy's Settings window.

Bots, plugins, and routines which expose settings tabs will be added to this control.

A lot of QoL hotkeys have been added to Exilebuddy. Here is a current list and explanation of what they are for.

Client Hotkeys (when the bot is attached, and the client has focus)

Each hotkey can be disabled/enabled and/or rebound though the GlobalSettings.json file. A GUI means of configuring them is not available.

Name: BotWindow.StartStopBot
Keys: ALT + SHIFT + S
Description: Starts/stops the bot. This allows users to easily start and stop the bot in game without having to switch to the bot window each time.

Name: LokiPoe.Input.FocusBotWindow
Keys: ALT + SHIFT + W
Description: Focuses the Exilebuddy window that is currently attached to this client.

Name: LokiPoe.Input.DebugMouseCursorPos
Keys: ALT + SHIFT + X
Description: Enables physical mouse moving debugging so users can see where the mouse is being moved for various actions.

Name: LokiPoe.ProcessHookManager.Disable
Keys: ALT + SHIFT + D
Description: Disables the PHM from being active.

Name: LokiPoe.ProcessHookManager.Enable
Keys: ALT + SHIFT + E
Description: Enables PHM to being active.

Name: LokiPoe.ProcessHookManager.Reset
Keys: ALT + SHIFT + R
Description: Resets the PHM (key/mouse values)

Name: LokiPoe.ProcessHookManager.DumpTGT
Keys: ALT + SHIFT + T
Description: Dumps the current TGT under the player.

Name: DevTab.RunCode
Keys: ALT + SHIFT + Q
Description: When the DevTab plugin is enabled, the Run Code button is triggered. This is so users can easily run code while debugging things in game without having to switch to the bot window.

Name: DevTab.RunFile
Keys: ALT + SHIFT + Z
Description: When the DevTab plugin is enabled, the Run Code button is triggered. This is so users can easily run code while debugging things in game without having to switch to the bot window.

Name: LokiPoe.InGameState.DumpFrameUnderCursor
Keys: ALT + SHIFT + A
Description: Dumps the current GUI element under the cursor when in game. When used over a passive skill node, shows the name and id as well.

Bot Hotkeys (when the bot is attached, and the Exilebuddy GUI has focus)

These cannot be configured or changed, as they are part of the bot GUI itself and not dynamically registered in the system.

Keys: CTRL + 0
Description: Changes the current language to the Invariant Culture.

Keys: CTRL + 1
Description: Changes the current language to EN.

Keys: CTRL + 2
Description: Changes the current language to RU.

Keys: CTRL + 3
Description: Changes the current language to FR.

Keys: CTRL + 4
Description: Changes the current language to DE.

Keys: CTRL + 5
Description: Changes the current language to ES.

Exilebuddy will now create an icon in the task tray that has a tooltip of the current config it is using. Double clicking this icon will focus the bot.


When Exilebuddy is minimized, it will be minimized to the tray to avoid taskbar clutter. This has been a long requested feature in our bots.
AutoPassives Plugin

Exilebuddy now supports allocating passives. A simple plugin has been included to test this functionality.

How to use the AutoPassives plugin

1.. Enable the "AutoPassives" plugin from the Plugins tab in the Exilebuddy Settings window.

2. Open up the Skill panel in Path of Exile (default key P).

3. Mouse over the first passive you want to allocate in the client.

4. Press the DumpFrameUnderCursor hotkey (default: ALT + SHIFT + A) to dump the node name/id.

5. Type the id into the DataGridView.

6. Repeat this process until you have your build made.

NOTE: The order in which you allocate passives matters! You *must* put ids in the exact order they can be allocated in. The API will handle errors if you make them, but the plugin will not be able to allocate your passives until you fix the issue.
AutoLogin Plugin

The AutoLogin functionality has been removing from being hard coded in the bot and moved to a plugin. Users may use this plugin to have the bot relog their characters for them upon disconnects or as part of a scheduling system.


NOTE: The TimePicker control is a custom control that does not have a proper skin for MahApps. As a result, the arrows do not render correctly. Users should just type in the desired numbers for now.


AutoLogin - This needs to be checked for auto-login to take place. Otherwise, the bot will stop at the title screen.
MaxLoginAttempts - The max number of login attempts before stopping. This is in case of a network loss or other issues where it'd be better for the bot to just stop.

LoginUsingUserCredentials - Should the bot enter the email/password to login with or use the default stored credentials.
Email - Your PoE account's e-mail.
Password - Your PoE account's password.

DelayBeforeLoginAttempt - Should the bot wait a bit before each login attempt.
LoginAttemptDelay - The approximate delay to wait.

AutoSelectCharacter - Should the bot select a character. If this is not checked, the bot will stop at the character selection screen.
Character - The character to select.
DelayBeforeSelectingCharacter - Should the bot wait a bit before the select character attempt.
SelectCharacterDelay - The approximate delay to wait.
GemLeveler Plugin

The GemLeveler plugin offers a simple configurable means to auto level skill gems.

NOTE: In Poe 2.0.0+, the inventory most be opened to know which skill gems are pending for level once it has been dismissed from the main HUD.



DebugStatements - Should the plugin log various debug messages?

Refresh Skills - Users should press this button after adding/moving skill gems so the correct skill gems can be known.

GlobalNameIgnore - Users can globally ignore/unignore skillgems from being leveled by name in this field.
GlobalNameIgnoreList - This is just a list of the names that have been globally ignored. Selecting an item in this list and clicking the Remove button in the previous line has no effect!

AllSkillGems - A combo-box of all skillgems. Users can Add/Remove skill gems using this row of controls.
SkillGemsToLevelList - This is just a list of the skillgems to level. Selecting an item in this list and clicking the Remove button in the previous line has no effect!
ItemFilterEditor Plugin

The old item filter system has been removed from being hard coded in the bot and moved into a plugin. A new system is planned, but there was not enough time to make this happen. For now, the old system has been moved into a compatible plugin.


Please see the Item Filter Editor Guide as a rough guide as to how to use this system.

  • Make sure you click Save to actually save your changes! Since the editor is no longer its own window, it will not be able to auto-save on close.
  • The affix system has been fixed. Users should be able to correctly filter by implicit/explicit stats!
Known Issues

Known Issues List

These are the current issues known and are being looked into.

  • Cyclone casting sucks (still).
  • Grand Arena navigation doesn't work.
  • Stuck issues in City of Sarn.
  • FPS/performance related issues.
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