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yes like the tittle says i do a evry few times dungeons for better gear but when i pauze the bot it give me a readunit while im doing a dungeon here a log
yes like the tittle says i do a evry few times dungeons for better gear but when i pauze the bot it give me a readunit while im doing a dungeon here a log
The bot cant currently handle zone changes other than bg's; so when you enter the dungeon it freaks out because its hook has changed. You will need to restart the bot to continue.
The bot cant currently handle zone changes other than bg's; so when you enter the dungeon it freaks out because its hook has changed. You will need to restart the bot to continue.
wel i do dungeons my self sometime for getting better gear but evrytime i pauze the bot it crash wow its only when i try to do a dungeon i just want to pauze the bot
hmpf.. But why i got the same thing for BG's`? I thought thats normal and didn't post it as Bug^^ Thought you knew already, that the Bot gets a ReadUnit Error when he joins the BG. ATM i am ignoring the ReadUnit Errors and the Arrayerrors (that i get randomly even in LvLBot). They open a "{sa}-Window" with "send" and "don't send". The Bot continues and ignores the error.