I get this
And loads of errors like that when i tried to install a custom routine
And yes i've copy the default routine files to the new files and renamed stuff
2015-12-02 19:57:49,583 [5] ERROR CustomLogger (null) - Compiler Error: c:\Users\Keppo\Desktop\HB\Routines\MageOP\Silverfish\ai\BehaviorControl.cs(4,36) : warning CS0436: Le type 'HREngine.Bots.Behavior' dans 'c:\Users\Keppo\Desktop\HB\Routines\MageOP\Silverfish\ai\Behavior.cs' est en conflit avec le type importé 'HREngine.Bots.Behavior' dans 'c:\Users\Keppo\Desktop\HB\CompiledAssemblies\79864587\DefaultRoutine.dll'. Utilisation du type défini dans 'c:\Users\Keppo\Desktop\HB\Routines\MageOP\Silverfish\ai\Behavior.cs'.
And yes i've copy the default routine files to the new files and renamed stuff