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[EU] Blizzards banning pattern


Jan 15, 2010
This applies to EU excusively - no idea how US differs as I don't play on US...

I had some bans recently. My fault so I don't complain. Still I am wondering about their bannig pattern. It seems that it begins with a 72 ban that you can appeal and have it overturned, leaving the warning or even having the warning overturned aswell. If you succeed, another ban will result in either 72 hours or perma (whis usually can be appealed and turned into a 72 hour one). Now after having that 72 hour ban in effect, every other ban results in a perma one which you have no way to turn around.

Is the above in average correct? I am aware that there's no definitive answer, I'm just curious what you guys who handled multiple bans experienced.
I got a perma banned and they never revert it on 3 accounts.
Other accounts i got back.
It kinda depends on the GM that handles the ticket.
Even over a period of 3-4 months it still counts, that's exactly how mine went.
They got auto-ban system that gives you 72h suspension and probably a team that is charged with inspecting accs that get autoban...if you are lucky and get a good GM it will be overturned, if not and you recive a perm susp you still got chance to overturn it but low.
I think it's like this...after you get 72h suspension the gm checkes out your acc, if he finds evidence that you botted you get perm, if not then you just leave with 72h...ofc you can apeal for perm ban.

I know some ppl that tested this and HAND-FARMED for 6-7 hours constantly and recived a ban, gm told them that their "behaviour" looked bottish
I know some ppl that tested this and HAND-FARMED for 6-7 hours constantly and recived a ban, gm told them that their "behaviour" looked bottish

I can confirm this, first hand .. some GM's are rather trigger-happy.
Overruled after the first appeal, but still it was a scary experience.
Guess I am not the only one, I tend to farm by hand an hour or so daily just bcs I am bored also ^^

I was just trying to find out what the NPH would be, if it would be done manually.
I was using Gathermate on my minimap and off I went, gathering ore and herbs on the same char in the Jade Forest.

It took slightly more than 3 hrs before I got a disconnect.
Couldn't login anymore - banned.

The email from Blizzard suggested that I was abusing the economy.
An appeal immediately lifted the ban.. not even followed by a suspension.

Interesting eh?
I was just trying to find out what the NPH would be, if it would be done manually.
I was using Gathermate on my minimap and off I went, gathering ore and herbs on the same char in the Jade Forest.

It took slightly more than 3 hrs before I got a disconnect.
Couldn't login anymore - banned.

The email from Blizzard suggested that I was abusing the economy.
An appeal immediately lifted the ban.. not even followed by a suspension.

Interesting eh?

Yes, it's an automated system that's why it WILL ban you even if you are not actually botting...I don't think it's NPH, more like waypoint/consistency in 1 area...

Aetheric can you post or pm me details on which zone were you botting/ how long(be specific)/ what area of the zone/which herbs or ore and things like that.
Mozda i jesi petar pan...nije da me briga jel vjerujes il ne al sta drugo da radim, ionak nemam nis drugo za igrat a osim toga dok farmam u isto vrijeme i nove profile radim ^^

I tried to feed this to my online translator, but it doesn't return anything that makes sense .. :p
Yes, it's an automated system that's why it WILL ban you even if you are not actually botting...I don't think it's NPH, more like waypoint/consistency in 1 area...

Aetheric can you post or pm me details on which zone were you botting/ how long(be specific)/ what area of the zone/which herbs or ore and things like that.

No need to PM you .. I wasn't botting, as I explained.
I used the addon Gathermate, because that thing shows the nodes on the map, so you can fly directly from one node to the other.

Zone : The Jade Forest (only there and trying to make it as smooth as possible, which means following a regular path).
Herbs - Green Tea Leaf, an occasional Rain Poppy and a few Golden Lotus as a bonus.
Ore - Ghost Iron Ore.

Duration : slightly more than 3 hours consecutively.

And then the hammer fell ..

But an online ticket, where I explained what I was doing, reversed the ban. No suspension even.
I tried to feed this to my online translator, but it doesn't return anything that makes sense .. :p
He say" Maybe you are Peter Pan I dont care do you belive me or not. But what else to do because I dont have anything else to play. I am just farming and in same time make new profiles.
@favor98 to i dalje nije rucno farmanje nego vozis chara pa liniji i na kraju ubacis vendora mail i po koji black spot. Rucno farmanje je kada kupis node sam.