[15:00:59:469] Bot wird gestartet!
[15:00:59:509] ?ndere aktuelles Profil zu Embersilk Cloth - Tol Barad
[15:00:59:531] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[15:00:59:531] Cleared POI
[15:00:59:534] >>> STARTING ShamWOW v4.3.15 by Bobby53
[15:00:59:543] %
[15:00:59:543] % CLEANSE BLACKLIST
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:96328 spellName:Toxic Torment (), Range: 0-10, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:96325 spellName:Frostburn Formula (), Range: 0-10, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:96326 spellName:Burning Blood (), Range: 0-10, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:92876 spellName:Blackout (), Range: 0-50000, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:92878 spellName:Blackout (), Range: 0-50000, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:30108 spellName:Unstable Affliction (), Range: 0-40, CastTime: 1500, Cost: 3514 (15%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:104050 spellName:Torrent of Frost (), Range: 0-0, CastTime: 3000, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: None, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:103962 spellName:Torrent of Frost (), Range: 0-100, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: None, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:103904 spellName:Torrent of Frost (), Range: 0-100, CastTime: 0, Cost: 90 (0%), Mechanic: Snared, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:544] %
[15:00:59:544] % PURGE WHITELIST
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:29166 spellName:Innervate (), Range: 0-30, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:79061 spellName:Mark of the Wild (), Range: 0-30, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:83559 spellName

osthaste (), Range: 0-0, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:46989 spellName:Improved Blink (), Range: 0-0, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:79058 spellName:Arcane Brilliance (), Range: 0-30, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:45438 spellName:Ice Block (), Range: 0-0, CastTime: 0, Cost: 15 (0%), Mechanic: Invulnerable2, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:642 spellName

ivine Shield (), Range: 0-0, CastTime: 0, Cost: 703 (3%), Mechanic: Invulnerable2, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:1022 spellName:Hand of Protection (), Range: 0-30, CastTime: 0, Cost: 1406 (6%), Mechanic: Invulnerable2, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:544] % spellId:1044 spellName:Hand of Freedom (), Range: 0-30, CastTime: 0, Cost: 1406 (6%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:545] % spellId:31884 spellName:Avenging Wrath (), Range: 0-0, CastTime: 0, Cost: 1874 (8%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:545] % spellId:79102 spellName:Blessing of Might (), Range: 0-30, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:545] % spellId:79063 spellName:Blessing of Kings (), Range: 0-30, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:545] % spellId:54428 spellName

ivine Plea (), Range: 0-0, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:545] % spellId:79105 spellName

ower Word: Fortitude (), Range: 0-40, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:545] % spellId:53390 spellName:Tidal Waves (), Range: 0-0, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:545] % spellId:79206 spellName:Spiritwalker's Grace (), Range: 0-0, CastTime: 0, Cost: 2812 (12%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: Magic, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0
[15:00:59:545] %
[15:00:59:545] % Mob Id:46647 Name:Training Dummy HitBox:5
[15:00:59:545] %
[15:00:59:545] Your Level 85 Draenei Elementar Shaman Build is:
[15:00:59:545] Eleme/Verst/Wiede 33/8/0
[15:00:59:545] ... running the Gatherbuddy2 bot Solo as Combat Only in Halbinsel von Tol Barad
[15:00:59:545] Initialize: Battleground: False
[15:00:59:545] Initialize: RAF.........: False
[15:00:59:545] Initialize: IsInInstance: False
[15:00:59:545] Initialize: IsCombatOnly: True
[15:00:59:545] Initialize: IsHealer....: False
[15:00:59:545] Initialize: IsHealerOnly: False
[15:00:59:545] Max Pull Ranged: 40
[15:00:59:545] HB Pull Distance: 30
[15:00:59:552] [talent] Fulmination: will wait for 7+ stacks of Lightning Shield before using Earth Shock
[15:00:59:552] [talent] Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses
[15:00:59:553] [talent] Ancestral Swiftness: must stop to cast Ghost Wolf
[15:00:59:553] [glyph] Chain Lightning: not found, will use for AoE instead of Earthquake unless 5+ mobs in range
[15:00:59:554] [glyph] Stoneclaw Totem: not found, no Shaman Bubble available
[15:00:59:555] [glyph] Unleashed Lightning: found, will allow use Lightning Bolt while moving
[15:00:59:556] % ignoring untrained healing spell 'Riptide' - setting health to 0%
[15:00:59:557] % ignoring untrained healing spell 'Oh Shoot Heal' - setting health to 0%
[15:00:59:557] % ### HealSpellManager Dump BEFORE PRUNE
[15:00:59:557] % Spell Description
[15:00:59:557] --- --------------------------------
[15:00:59:557] 0 Healing Rain
[15:00:59:557] 0 Chain Heal
[15:00:59:557] 0 Oh Shoot Heal
[15:00:59:557] 0 Healing Surge
[15:00:59:557] 0 Greater Healing Wave
[15:00:59:557] 0 Healing Wave
[15:00:59:557] 0 Unleash Elements
[15:00:59:557] 0 Riptide
[15:00:59:557] % ### HealSpellManager Dump AFTER PRUNE
[15:00:59:557] % Spell Description
[15:00:59:557] --- --------------------------------
[15:00:59:595] Detected PVP Trinket: Hartn?ckigkeitsmedaillon des ruchlosen Gladiators
[15:00:59:597] % Effective Cleanse Priority: Low
[15:00:59:597] % Effective Purge Priority: Low
[15:00:59:662] >>No longer have Buff: Potion of Treasure Finding...
[15:00:59:670] Activity: Unterwegs zum n?chsten Hotspot
[15:00:59:672] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x0, 0) [17]
[15:01:01:860] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x0, 0) [18]
[15:01:03:941] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x0, 0) [19]
[15:01:05:943] % Need rest: true, IsWeaponImbueNeeded mh:True oh:False
[15:01:05:947] % GRDSTAT Enter REST [-me-]: h/m=100.0%/100.0%, combat=N, facing=N, melee=0, range=0, rooted=N, immobile=N, silenced=N
[15:01:05:964] % Enter REST [target]: Paladin.02B8 th=100.0%, tdist=11.7 tlos=Y tlosocd=Y tcombat=N ttarget=Kevin Geissler.00BC taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[15:01:05:971] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[15:01:05:979] % GRDSTAT Exit REST [-me-]: h/m=100.0%/100.0%, combat=N, facing=N, melee=0, range=0, rooted=N, immobile=N, silenced=N
[15:01:05:987] % Exit REST [target]: Paladin.02B8 th=100.0%, tdist=11.8 tlos=Y tlosocd=Y tcombat=N ttarget=Kevin Geissler.00BC taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[15:01:06:074] % Need rest: true, IsWeaponImbueNeeded mh:True oh:False
[15:01:06:075] % GRDSTAT Enter REST [-me-]: h/m=100.0%/100.0%, combat=N, facing=N, melee=0, range=0, rooted=N, immobile=N, silenced=N
[15:01:06:075] % Enter REST [target]: Paladin.02B8 th=100.0%, tdist=11.3 tlos=Y tlosocd=Y tcombat=N ttarget=Kevin Geissler.00BC taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[15:01:06:115] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[15:01:06:172] Totem Bar[Earth]: STONESKIN_TOTEM
[15:01:06:172] Totem Bar[Fire ]: SEARING_TOTEM
[15:01:06:172] Totem Bar[Water]: HEALING_STREAM_TOTEM
[15:01:06:172] Totem Bar[Air ]: WRATH_OF_AIR_TOTEM
[15:01:06:172] % Ressurection: dead ressurection target is invalid, resetting
[15:01:06:173] % WhichShieldTypeNeeded: Lightning Shield on self with Mana at 100.0%
[15:01:06:176] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[15:01:06:180] Spell_C::CastSpell(324, 0, 0x2800000035F02B8, 0) [20]
[15:01:06:181] *Lightning Shield
[15:01:06:372] % WaitForCurrentSpell: waiting until gcd and/or cast are complete
[15:01:07:694] % ShamanBuffs: AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:True
[15:01:07:695] % ImbueWeapons: NeedOnMainhand=True-Flametongue Weapon
[15:01:07:700] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[15:01:07:730] Spell_C::CastSpell(8024, 0, 0x2800000035F02B8, 0) [21]
[15:01:07:738] *Flametongue Weapon
[15:01:07:935] % WaitForCurrentSpell: waiting until gcd and/or cast are complete
[15:01:09:254] % GRDSTAT Exit REST [-me-]: h/m=100.0%/98.6%, combat=N, facing=N, melee=0, range=0, rooted=N, immobile=N, silenced=N
[15:01:09:273] % Exit REST [target]: Paladin.02B8 th=100.0%, tdist=44.4 tlos=N tlosocd=N tcombat=N ttarget=Kevin Geissler.00BC taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[15:01:09:363] >>No longer have Buff: Potion of Treasure Finding...
[15:01:09:376] % IsWeaponImbueNeeded(): waiting 877 ms until next imbue check
[15:01:09:612] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x0, 0) [22]
[15:01:11:663] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x0, 0) [23]
[15:01:13:881] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x0, 0) [24]
[15:01:15:889] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x2800000035DB32B, 0) [25]
[15:01:17:915] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x2800000035DB32B, 0) [26]
[15:01:19:899] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x28000000360076D, 0) [27]
[15:01:21:867] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x28000000360076D, 0) [28]
[15:01:23:888] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x28000000360076D, 0) [29]
[15:01:25:902] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x28000000360076D, 0) [30]
[15:01:27:903] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x28000000360076D, 0) [31]
[15:01:29:954] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x28000000360076D, 0) [32]
[15:01:31:966] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x28000000360076D, 0) [33]
[15:01:34:022] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x0, 0) [34]
[15:01:35:212] Bot wird gestoppt!
[15:01:35:212] Stop called!
[15:01:35:224] >>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.3.15 by Bobby53
[15:01:35:224] [Gatherbuddy2]: Gathebuddy2 nach dem Sammeln von 0 Elementen in 0h 0m 35s beendet
[15:01:35:224] Aktivit?t: Honorbuddy wurde gestoppt!
[15:01:35:897] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Sequence.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Decorator.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
[15:01:35:897] Cleared POI - Reason Exception in Root.Tick()
[15:01:35:897] Cleared POI