Hi guys, i have an issue when run bot when creat new map and dialog say
when 5/5 bot will open stash and find another map and creat again and again even 4/5 have portal created
and bot "eat" all map in stash in this error
pls help me out of this
[InteractWith] The target could not be highlighted.
[TryInteract] Fail to interact with "Mountain Ledge". Attempt: 1/5.
[InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 22.
[InteractWith] The target could not be highlighted.
[TryInteract] Fail to interact with "Mountain Ledge". Attempt: 2/5.
[InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 22.
[InteractWith] The target could not be highlighted.
[TryInteract] Fail to interact with "Mountain Ledge". Attempt: 3/5.
[InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 22.
[InteractWith] The target could not be highlighted.
[TryInteract] Fail to interact with "Mountain Ledge". Attempt: 4/5.
[InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 22.
[InteractWith] The target could not be highlighted.
[TryInteract] Fail to interact with "Mountain Ledge". Attempt: 5/5.
[LatencyTracker] HighestLatency: 79
[LatencyTracker] LowestLatency: 77
[LatencyTracker] AverageLatency: 86
[LatencyTracker] HighestLatency: 84
[TakePortal] Fail to take "Mountain Ledge" at {188, 295}.
[OpenMapTask] Fail to take a portal to the map.
when 5/5 bot will open stash and find another map and creat again and again even 4/5 have portal created
and bot "eat" all map in stash in this error
pls help me out of this