This profile is for farming the Plague Quarter in Naxxaramas for Frostweave Cloth.
You must follow the below instructions each week on reset before starting the bot.
1. Set raid instance to 25 man.
2. Clear the Plague Quarter in Naxx up to, but not including the second boss.
3. Exit the instance.
4. Set raid instance to 10 man.
5. Reset all instances.
Once the previous instructions are completed, you can turn the bot on and it will start farming.
After the initial run, you can start this profile from anywhere in the world. It will take you to where you need to go.
With vending all items, besides cloth, this profile will net you anywhere from 2k to 3k gold per hour.
This profile will not allow you to run Naxx more than 10 times per hour. The faster you clear the trash, the longer you will sit idle at the end.
Credit to Botanist for his work and his help. Without his code, I would never have got this to work as good as it does.
Feel free to edit/alter this code, but please make sure to place credit where it is due.
Download from my SVN/ or the .ZIP file below.
View attachment Endless Naxx Frostweave
You must follow the below instructions each week on reset before starting the bot.
1. Set raid instance to 25 man.
2. Clear the Plague Quarter in Naxx up to, but not including the second boss.
3. Exit the instance.
4. Set raid instance to 10 man.
5. Reset all instances.
Once the previous instructions are completed, you can turn the bot on and it will start farming.
After the initial run, you can start this profile from anywhere in the world. It will take you to where you need to go.
With vending all items, besides cloth, this profile will net you anywhere from 2k to 3k gold per hour.
This profile will not allow you to run Naxx more than 10 times per hour. The faster you clear the trash, the longer you will sit idle at the end.
Credit to Botanist for his work and his help. Without his code, I would never have got this to work as good as it does.
Feel free to edit/alter this code, but please make sure to place credit where it is due.
Download from my SVN/ or the .ZIP file below.
View attachment Endless Naxx Frostweave
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