Enthusiast working to piece together a profile based on emulating what I've found in the forums and other profiles. One question I had was whether we can build dynamic profiles for collectables based on what is available to turn in. Specifically i was hpping to help automate and cut down the configuration phase for this group. Quick logic outline...
Test 1: are red scrips capped?
Test 2: is it <30 minutes until Collectibles rotate
Test 3: What collectables can I turn in, what are they worth?
Output: this is what I should gather each hour (assuming Collectibles only). You could still manually code otherwise if you had other items you wanted.
From there profiles would be better able to handle item turnover and run longer. Plus configuration would be reduced significantly only requring if you want to gather non-collectibles.
Haven't seen it anywhere but curous if something like the Rowena's House of Splendor data output can be read by RB and then whether RB could store and act based on those results. Worth noting you do not need to visit Appraiser to pull up the turn in window, so if RB could read it you could do it anywhere I believe.
Test 1: are red scrips capped?
Test 2: is it <30 minutes until Collectibles rotate
Test 3: What collectables can I turn in, what are they worth?
Output: this is what I should gather each hour (assuming Collectibles only). You could still manually code otherwise if you had other items you wanted.
From there profiles would be better able to handle item turnover and run longer. Plus configuration would be reduced significantly only requring if you want to gather non-collectibles.
Haven't seen it anywhere but curous if something like the Rowena's House of Splendor data output can be read by RB and then whether RB could store and act based on those results. Worth noting you do not need to visit Appraiser to pull up the turn in window, so if RB could read it you could do it anywhere I believe.