Now i'm new here on the forums and i have no need to start anything but because you haven't given a very smart/good or even any ETA and you have your Developers spread so thin with Buddywing and Demonbuddy, the wait on Dungeonbuddy seems to be increasing. From the posts I have been reading Dungeonbuddy will allow you to add your own scripts or edit them how you like and the community is growing by the day and many people are getting tired of waiting. To be honest there is a lot of decent and excellent coders that are waiting to get their hands on Dungeonbuddy so they can see what they can improve on. Now i have a lot of patience but you give us nothing to look at and no updates nothing. Now i love honorbuddy don't get me wrong but it seems like you guys are hiding from the community. Now someone will probably comment something of the sort "it will be released when its ready" the problem with that comment is that when they have no set goal then they will never finish it but if you give yourself a goal then tell us a unexpected error came up and you have to fix it or a bug came up then you at least show us progress, But you make little to no progress taking your time and letting a few people work on it when you have a whole community to work on it with you, what they don't think about is that by MoP coming closer and the raids are becoming boring and gold becoming so dirt cheap and then after MoP Releases they have to code all of MoP and that will take more time. now i'm not trying to hurt anyone feeling but as a customer of this Awesome Program i like to see what you have in store for the future or at least a little progress. To make your Program last you must first give us hope that something is out there and close. If someone says its gonna Come out soon I will say that is bs because that's what they said months ago and still seen nothing and you say that because that's what you think and trying to calm me down but you have no idea what is going on. i am not a coder but i am learning the basic and moving slowly. i know things take time but you guys want to speed things up or people will get bored with nothing to look forward to. There is no need to be hostile about things so. Now i know because of my low post and being new here you should show me no respect but many of you will look at this and 1 of 2 things will come to mind 1 he's Absolutely correct or 2 this guys needs to just sit back and wait. now after this post i won't give any more trouble about this but i just wanted to tell you what i think and thats probably nothing you want to hear
Thanks for reading and please comment what you think