weekends can be hit and miss around here. also the fact that everyone here lives in different time zones. when its the middle of the day for you, its the middle of the night for others.
while you are excited about hearing back from someone in the community, we generally dont condone bumping your own threads. we realize its been 19 hours and no one has responded, but it could just be that no one has anything helpful.
i surely dont have anything helpful in your quest to find a dungeon completionist type of profile pack. it sounds like it would be a great addition to the profiles here on the forums and i bet many people would enjoy the use of such a profile pack.
i can only give you solace in the fact you are not alone here. there may be someone out there working on a project that will fit your needs and they just need a little more time. or it could be the right person just hasnt thought of it yet, and this post will be the catalyst that puts that in motion.
i can suggest a few things in the meantime. google. the search box here is very finicky. i doubt buddy staff codes it or it would work wonderfully. but google works fine if you just add 'honorbuddy' to your search string. however, google cant read your mind and it too can be finicky. try your search string longer with more descriptive wording.
the other thing i can recommend is reposting your request in the middle of the week. make your post longer. more description. create empathy with your target audience. create a work of art as your post that will inspire someone to start work on or reveal an existing project to the world. most people love praise, love recognition, love attention. most times more than money itself. but that doesnt hurt either. appeal to their pocketbook if thats an option. offer to donate for beers and burgers. or if you have the skills, create something of your own and offer it to others while making the request for reciprocation.
Even though this is a community, you only see a few of the community members out in public. many read the forums, many create content, many, such as myself, create words.