I was thinking, how difficult could it be to implement LFG-tool functionality?
This is already partially there, with the BG functionality.
And you could set it to that the toon (Or toons) being levelled in Dungeon mode will wait patiently, queueing for a dungeon and then farming as they normally do.
When the queue pops, if they have leadership they pass it over to someone who wasn't part of their initial group. And then just attack their target / heal as necessary.
Naturally, this would only work for DPS / healer classes. Sorry, tank toons!
This is already partially there, with the BG functionality.
And you could set it to that the toon (Or toons) being levelled in Dungeon mode will wait patiently, queueing for a dungeon and then farming as they normally do.
When the queue pops, if they have leadership they pass it over to someone who wasn't part of their initial group. And then just attack their target / heal as necessary.
Naturally, this would only work for DPS / healer classes. Sorry, tank toons!