Well what I was thinking is that any implementation of a dungeon bot will most likely need profiles of some sort. There's just too many "special case" scenarios inside dungeons, like having to click things in the middle of a boss fight, eating mushrooms every 3 stacks of poison, dodging very irregular telegraphed spells, moving a mob to a certain spot (like those stone heads that have to die on switches to open doors), etc. Either through a custom botbase or orderbot, you'll still probably need profiles for each dungeon and each role.
I just started to delve into custom tags for orderbot today, and I'm finding it to be very powerful. So far I've managed to make a repair tag that when encountered, goes to repair if your gear is below a certain condition, and a dialog tag to make some quest with cutscenes hopefully cleaner and easier to make. Really orderbot feels more like a "meta bot" that chooses different bots for different tasks. I can definitely see a <Dungeon> tag with special sub elements specifying things like <Boss> fight behavior or <MobGroup> to pull and kill one group before going to the next. Imagine something like:
<Dungeon Name="Sastasha Seagrot" Role="Tank">
<MobGroup hotspot="13.4, 13.4, 13.4">
<MoveMobTo NpcId="Stone Head" XYZ="13.4, 13.4, 13.4">
<KillOrder orderByNpcId = "374, 334, 783"/>
<MobGroup hotspot="13.4, 13.4, 13.4">
<KillOrder orderByNpcId = "374, 334, 783"/>
<PercentEvent bossHealth="50" name="Big Aoe Run!">
<MoveTo XYZ="safe spot"/>