I discovered that on the Molten Front there is a circle surrounded by about 8 Druid of The Flame. Once you kill one...another spawns. I have been farming this spot for quite sometime by hand. All you do is stand there...dot one, tab target, dot another... until till you you get bored. You don't even have to move. I played around with combat bot, and some plugins but could not get any to just stand there, tab target, dot, and loot continuously.
I tried looking at the Wiki pages to create a profile of my own that will just stand there and kill for hours but I can not seem to get anything to work.
All I need is profile that:
Casts VT, SWP, tab target and repeat. Then just loot every ten minutes or so.
A plus would be to set a timer to keep refreshing potions of treasure finding too.
Please help whoever can and I am happy to share this farming location with fellow botters<3
I tried looking at the Wiki pages to create a profile of my own that will just stand there and kill for hours but I can not seem to get anything to work.
All I need is profile that:
Casts VT, SWP, tab target and repeat. Then just loot every ten minutes or so.
A plus would be to set a timer to keep refreshing potions of treasure finding too.
Please help whoever can and I am happy to share this farming location with fellow botters<3