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Downloads broken


Staff member
Feb 27, 2011
Can't seem to download Ezret and Ezmarks anymore, giving a 404 error. Even tried reuploading and it didn't work. If you need help working with vbulletin let me know, I run a few of my own.
Can't seem to download Ezret and Ezmarks anymore, giving a 404 error. Even tried reuploading and it didn't work. If you need help working with vbulletin let me know, I run a few of my own.

Try uploading it as a zip file?
That worked...shouldn't have to zip a single CS file tho...
I have to agree with mastahg here, this was not thought trough.
Zipping single files is bollocks and only provides more work for us and the users (and thus creating again a higher treshold).

I can't even manage the content of my 'upload' folder here (never could do that, delete old versions etc).
Deleting al the subfolders I had only resulted in all the items inside those subfolder being placed in the main folder.
So now I have a main folder mess with items I can't delete, and that never gets autodeleted either (as it should do after an hour of not using it there, it says after all "Uploads not utilized within one hour will be deleted", but this doesn't happen).

Is that issue ever gonna be adressed, just a simple select (all) > delete would be a great help in clearing out all the 'ghostfiles' that are lingering in the databases now.
The page you refer to kick is the following screenshot.
As you can see there's files that are taking space, but no option or checkbox to delete em.
That checkbox should be at the end of each line and then a delete button on the bottom.
Neither is present (yes, I know how a vB forum should look or work).


But the page I was referring to is the file upload manager for attachments to posts.
These files are in there for I don't know how long, and are not deleted either.
Due to that I can't upload anything new because it's just not happening.
It shows up there, I can attach it, but it results in a 404.


And now I noticed it seems your wysiwyg editor for posts has also disappeared when you edit a post.
Before you ask, yes I have Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing selected in my profile settings :D
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That's strange because I can use that link and actually delete my attachments (Kick posted it for me awhile back when I was asking about an option to be able to remove them). Strange that yours doesn't give you that option...
I'm a special case seems like ;)

Yea... but we like having you around anyway... lol

BTW - One of the links in your signature seems to be broken... Looks like John isn't working his weather station website anymore (or it's temporarily down).
mhm, I will send him an email to ask what's up (or I caused too much traffic to his site, and he's trough his bandwith, haha).

Either way I hope the staff is gonna react and repair the current issues so I can repair what they have spoiled in the first place :D
The attachment issue seems to be solved (at least I can add and download what I add to a post. I just editted my releases so the files are back in place).

The WYSIWYG editor and the filemanager issues still exist however.
Besides the 2 items above (WYSIWYG and Filemanager), there's also a issue with links in blogpages.
When you post something you have a option to blog it too.
When you do that, the link to the attachment (if any) gets altered with a /blog/ affix.
This results in a 404 for the attachment.
Editting the post (and hope for a correct link) doesn't do the trick.

Example blog crosspost here: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/blogs/...7th-anniversary-celebration-package-buff.html
The attachment is the actual one (on the plugin page), but due to the location of the blog (/blogs/) that part is also added to the download link.
Besides the 2 items above (WYSIWYG and Filemanager), there's also a issue with links in blogpages.
When you post something you have a option to blog it too.
When you do that, the link to the attachment (if any) gets altered with a /blog/ affix.
This results in a 404 for the attachment.
Editting the post (and hope for a correct link) doesn't do the trick.

Example blog crosspost here: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/blogs/...7th-anniversary-celebration-package-buff.html
The attachment is the actual one (on the plugin page), but due to the location of the blog (/blogs/) that part is also added to the download link.

Thx for your report
WYSIWYG editor:

The WYSIWYG editor seems to be back in place now :D

Both filemanagers (Profile and Attachment):

In the profile > settings > attachments I still can't delete the old stuff (pre-movement items).
In the filemanager under your profile settings I can delete all the stuff I added recently (after the move).
However everything from before the move has no checkbox so no delete option.

In the attachment manager when u reply to a post > go advanced > manage attachments, the main 'container' is still containing items (2 pages worth of em) that are not used in any post (when you check it trough the questionmark in the top left corner of a item), nor are they auto deleted as stated on that page.
There is no option to delete anything from there.

Blog part:

When u download the attachment from the main blog page it's working fine:
WOW Bot for PVP Leveling Gathering - Gatherbuddy & Honorbuddy Forums - Recent Blogs Posts - Blogs and don't open the blogpost there's a download link (also altered to the original, this one contains /archives/ in the url).
When you open the blogpost, the link gets changed again to the /blog/ suffix in the url, which results in a 404.

Now all links under eachother for clarity:

Original forum post download link: <-- Works!
2) Blog main page download link: <-- Works!
3) Blog opened post download link: <-- Doesn't work!
Pre-move groups still yield a 404 when u click em.
Not that I do much with em, but as I'm in 3 of those, I hate dead links :P