i hope i could help you little about this, long ago when game came out ( europe ) i started playing this game was playing it legit till lvl 33, in this time i experienced same issues alot of people get it now, cantt connect u click retry ur bar loads half way and thats it, it happened to me when gyrados was in background, anyway i was not only 1 me and my friends ( 8 of them ) had same issues, as we lather found out hackers were hacking their servers and alot of people had that problem, after that i was so angry i was clicking fken retry button non stop every few hours, after 2 days it connected me back into game and everything was working ok, my friends were writing to niantic support shit but all they said always was their account ifnormation was safe ( lmao ) , after 2 weeks every 1 could play normaly again, im not saying this is the same issue like the one occuring atm to every1, but at least maby it could help some 1 figure something out, maby theres more to the story than we all think =)