[HubScene] The bot needs to cache quests. Now clicking on the "Quest Log" button.
[GameEventManagerOnQuestUpdate] Paladin or Priest Victory: Win 2 games with Paladin or Priest. (0 / 2) [40x GOLD]
[GameEventManagerOnQuestUpdate] Paladin or Warrior Victory: Win 2 games with Paladin or Warrior. (0 / 2) [40x GOLD]
[GameEventManagerOnQuestUpdate] Rogue or Warrior Victory: Win 2 games with Rogue or Warrior. (0 / 2) [40x GOLD]
[HubScene] Now clicking to close the "Quest Log" screen.
[DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheQuests = False.
[HubScene] Now clicking on the "Play" button.
[IsClientInUsableState] SceneMgr.IsTransitioning.
[IsClientInUsableState] !SceneMgr.IsSceneLoaded.
[IsClientInUsableState] Box.IsBusy.
[Quest] Now choosing the basic hero class to complete the class specific quest [Paladin or Priest Victory] with.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedDeckType = Basic.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedBasicDeck = PALADIN.
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Showing Custom Decks
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] The "<" button was not highlighted.
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Showing Custom Decks
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] The "<" button was not highlighted.
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Showing Custom Decks
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] The "<" button was not highlighted.
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Showing Custom Decks
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] The "<" button was not highlighted.
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Showing Custom Decks
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] The "<" button was not highlighted.
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Showing Custom Decks
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] The "<" button was not highlighted.
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Showing Custom Decks
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] The "<" button was not highlighted.
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Showing Custom Decks
[Stop] Now requesting the BotThread to stop.
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] The "<" button was not highlighted.
[AutoStop] Stop
[Quest] Stop
[Stats] Stop
if you click the < button to move the screen to the standard decks it will continue. after victory it gets hung up on this again.
edit: update it seems to work fine if you tell it to use custom decks for quests and re-cache custom decks.
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