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Doesn't face enemy anymore :3


New Member
Apr 14, 2012
Grr. This bot is being very un-cooperative after I've hooked it up with ARelog.
My DK doesn't face enemies (questing) so I've to turn 'glue' on which makes it go 500 times slower.
It doesn't repair.
Whenever I start ARelog starts it, it talks to the person as if trying to pick up a quest.
Getting very frustrated.. Please help.
Don't even get me started on how bad the only DK profile is. (55-58) -- It has one major problem, when coming to the part where you have to reveal their secret, it won't even equip the items. That needs to be fixed.
And it kills the whole zone before reaching its fraking destination.

I don't know what to get a log of, so if tony or somone could tell me what they wan't ill re-create the problem.
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Dude cmon did you even attempt to read it?
My DK doesn't face enemies (questing) so I've to turn 'glue' on which makes it go 500 times slower.
It doesn't repair.
Whenever I start ARelog starts it, it talks to the person as if trying to pick up a quest.
Getting very frustrated.. Please help.
Don't even get me started on how bad the only DK profile is. (55-58) -- It has one major problem, when coming to the part where you have to reveal their secret, it won't even equip the items. That needs to be fixed.
And it kills the whole zone before reaching its fraking destination.
If you don't attach a log Tonys natural and only response tends to be How to attach a log ;p
As for the DK thing. Make sure you have latest SVN from kick and Autoequip is turned OFF until Outlands or else it will mess up at that quest. DKs are pretty much all i run on new servers...for obvious reasons and there is no problem if you have Autoequip off.

Can't help you with Arelog as i don't use it.
Dude cmon did you even attempt to read it?
My DK doesn't face enemies (questing) so I've to turn 'glue' on which makes it go 500 times slower.
It doesn't repair.
Whenever I start ARelog starts it, it talks to the person as if trying to pick up a quest.
Getting very frustrated.. Please help.
Don't even get me started on how bad the only DK profile is. (55-58) -- It has one major problem, when coming to the part where you have to reveal their secret, it won't even equip the items. That needs to be fixed.
And it kills the whole zone before reaching its fraking destination.

Dude you can have a PLETHORA of problems. It can be your client, it can be a number of things. This is why you attach a log. When I get stuck as ive recently gotten stuck with my shammy. I just tell them what the problem is, attach my log and BAM i get adequate help. They aren't gonna try to think of the myriad of problems that can be going on, instead they ask you to PLEASE attach the log so they can better help you out.
Can you attach your log please?
facing can depend on the customclass and maybe you are using one that doesn't have facing? so wont be good with glue...
just attach a log and lets be done w/ it
what CC are you using?
have you disabled combat movement?
Have you got any other plugins that might be stopping you?
IS the bot experiencing tree sharp logic faults?
Is the CC throwing up unrequited stuck routines?
So answer these questions plus the muliple subsequent questions or you could just post a
Making a thread about a HB-problem and then NOT providing a logfile isnt a very good way to get your problem sorted.
im guessing your using a lazy raider cc. just stick with singular for all your questing needs
Dude cmon did you even attempt to read it?
My DK doesn't face enemies (questing) so I've to turn 'glue' on which makes it go 500 times slower.
It doesn't repair.
Whenever I start ARelog starts it, it talks to the person as if trying to pick up a quest.
Getting very frustrated.. Please help.
Don't even get me started on how bad the only DK profile is. (55-58) -- It has one major problem, when coming to the part where you have to reveal their secret, it won't even equip the items. That needs to be fixed.
And it kills the whole zone before reaching its fraking destination.

Yea, we all read your complaint. Weird how LOGS contain tons of info as to why things don't work or what is failing that's causing all these things to happen. Don't be a jerk and maybe people will help.