Hello everyone! I'm making a mesh for AV and so far I've been mapping a bit, basiclly just connecting the GY's and running around a bit here and there. The mesh works perfectly atm but I've always "stopped mapping - saving mesh" before I've run into hordes because I don't know if dying, thus teleporting me across the map screws up the mapping of my mesh...or is it ?
I mean, is it okey to keep mapping even tho I keep dying ? If it is, I could just keep mapping for 5-10 AV games whilst playing manually and not worry about stop the mapping everytime I think I'm about to die.
I mean, is it okey to keep mapping even tho I keep dying ? If it is, I could just keep mapping for 5-10 AV games whilst playing manually and not worry about stop the mapping everytime I think I'm about to die.