My electric bill was around $60 in the month of November (I live in a colder part of the United States & my landlord pays for my winter heat), so that's a sweet deal.
Once I started botting my next 2 months of electricity were $120 and $110.
I'm having someone from the electric company come and prove to me that no one in the apartment complex is crossing electric lines, but I wanted to see what you guys think about this...
Have any of you noticed large jumps in your electric bills from letting multiple bots run?
Dang, my whole goal with buying 3 HB sessions was to rack up some gold and sell it off when Mists of Pandaria comes out (and hopefully gold prices go up), but if botting is raising my electric bills then SCREW THIS haha.
Anyways, like I said, it may just be that something is wrong with the electric reading because I have been disputing my electric bills since I moved in here.
I'm gonna *#!$ my pants when the electric guy comes if he says "Oh yes, I see this outlet over here caused a huge jump in your electric usage." as he points to my computer.
Once I started botting my next 2 months of electricity were $120 and $110.
I'm having someone from the electric company come and prove to me that no one in the apartment complex is crossing electric lines, but I wanted to see what you guys think about this...
Have any of you noticed large jumps in your electric bills from letting multiple bots run?
Dang, my whole goal with buying 3 HB sessions was to rack up some gold and sell it off when Mists of Pandaria comes out (and hopefully gold prices go up), but if botting is raising my electric bills then SCREW THIS haha.
Anyways, like I said, it may just be that something is wrong with the electric reading because I have been disputing my electric bills since I moved in here.
I'm gonna *#!$ my pants when the electric guy comes if he says "Oh yes, I see this outlet over here caused a huge jump in your electric usage." as he points to my computer.