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Does Botting use alot of electricity?


New Member
Jan 1, 2012
My electric bill was around $60 in the month of November (I live in a colder part of the United States & my landlord pays for my winter heat), so that's a sweet deal.

Once I started botting my next 2 months of electricity were $120 and $110.

I'm having someone from the electric company come and prove to me that no one in the apartment complex is crossing electric lines, but I wanted to see what you guys think about this...

Have any of you noticed large jumps in your electric bills from letting multiple bots run?

Dang, my whole goal with buying 3 HB sessions was to rack up some gold and sell it off when Mists of Pandaria comes out (and hopefully gold prices go up), but if botting is raising my electric bills then SCREW THIS haha.

Anyways, like I said, it may just be that something is wrong with the electric reading because I have been disputing my electric bills since I moved in here.

I'm gonna *#!$ my pants when the electric guy comes if he says "Oh yes, I see this outlet over here caused a huge jump in your electric usage." as he points to my computer.
You're computer will need more power when it is running at a higher load. (More so than with nothing running)

But to double just from a PC is not going to happen.

For a PC/Monitor on 24/7 (Even under decent load) does not use massive amounts of leccy, so there is deffo something else going on.
A computer use around 1-2kwh. Depending on what the price is per kwh in US i cant say if its expensive or not. But compared to Denmark 120dollars a month for electric doesnt seem wrong. Im running my computer almost 24/7 and my electric bill is around 140dollars a month.
they have power meters that plug into the wall, and have a plug on them so you can see how much power a device is using, my suggestion would be to invest in one, and figure out how much your devices are using, if your computer is sucking down a ton, then maybe doing things like getting a more effciant power supply would help.
No way your pc is sucking down power worth $60 per month. I don't believe that for one minute. The main thing I would check is to see if the furnace, heat pump, etc. is not cycling to much. Also check the freezer setting and see if it's also cycling to much. I can tell you from experience that these things are the main factors in your elec bill.

I have an indoor hydroponic system for "vegetables" and run two 1000w HiD lights which run for 18 hours per day and they only run me roughly $50 per month.
i want "vegetables" :(

but on another note, theres indeed no way its possible to get such a high bill from your pc ;)
No way your pc is sucking down power worth $60 per month. I don't believe that for one minute. The main thing I would check is to see if the furnace, heat pump, etc. is not cycling to much. Also check the freezer setting and see if it's also cycling to much. I can tell you from experience that these things are the main factors in your elec bill.

I have an indoor hydroponic system for "vegetables" and run two 1000w HiD lights which run for 18 hours per day and they only run me roughly $50 per month.

Are you looking to hire a gardener? =P

Seriously...I'd love to see your setup. If only I could....but *sigh* I'm a slave to corporate America now. I get paid great, but have to give up my right to vegetables =(
A computer use around 1-2kwh. Depending on what the price is per kwh in US i cant say if its expensive or not. But compared to Denmark 120dollars a month for electric doesnt seem wrong. Im running my computer almost 24/7 and my electric bill is around 140dollars a month.

This is not right!
One normal computer dont use 1-2kwh!
Your computer include monitor and other ones cant use 1-2kwh if you have just a 500w power supply.

For example if you use a 500 watt power supply your computer inclusive monitor use maybe 280-400 watt ( 0,28-0,4 kwh ).

(i will calc now with 400 watt, the highest..)
Now, if we bot each day 24 hours. this makes a maximum of 9,6kwh/month.
Lets calc with 28 days per month, we use 268.8 kwh (in one month...)

Lets calc with 0,2€ or others like €, it makes around 53€. (And 37€/month if we calc with 280 watt)
In Virginia electricity is about 13c per kwh. I have a 750 watt power supply and 28 in monitor. If I use 1kw an hour 24/7 that would amount to $93.60 a month. So your electric bill could go up $50 or $60 like you said. It depends on your setup and the load it's under.
I have an indoor hydroponic system for "vegetables" and run two 1000w HiD lights which run for 18 hours per day and they only run me roughly $50 per month.
I see what you did there :cool:
In Virginia electricity is about 13c per kwh. I have a 750 watt power supply and 28 in monitor. If I use 1kw an hour 24/7 that would amount to $93.60 a month. So your electric bill could go up $50 or $60 like you said. It depends on your setup and the load it's under.

Where are you seeing this 13c per kwh for Virgina? Can you post a source link to the rate charts? Because that is way high if it is 13c and way higher than the national average.
Sorry, I must have been wrong. The only thing I can find on the website says 10c per kwh. I'm not sure if that includes any of the other charges that go along with the price.

According to my bill it amounts to 10.961 cents per kwh after all the extra taxes and what not.
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No way your pc is sucking down power worth $60 per month. I don't believe that for one minute. The main thing I would check is to see if the furnace, heat pump, etc. is not cycling to much. Also check the freezer setting and see if it's also cycling to much. I can tell you from experience that these things are the main factors in your elec bill.

I have an indoor hydroponic system for "vegetables" and run two 1000w HiD lights which run for 18 hours per day and they only run me roughly $50 per month.

Woah you must have cheap electricity in the US, here in Sweden I pay probably 25 dollars for 1 month of use with an 400w HID!

I just got my new electrical bill, and it was about 90 euros. And I have 1 HTPC/server running 24/7, my gaming PC running 24/7, TV on 12 hours a day, Amp on 24/7, + all the other lamps and what not. This over a course of 2 months, without an HID lamp of course.

My point is of course that the topic creater can not double his electricity cus hes using a a few bots.
I run 4 computers always on always have a high load and In my small ass duplex it only cost like $80... Then again I only use low watt parts besides for my processor and video card. Don't even really know if that change's anything.
I run 4 computers always on always have a high load and In my small ass duplex it only cost like $80... Then again I only use low watt parts besides for my processor and video card. Don't even really know if that change's anything.
Compared to CPU and GPU the power usage of all other parts is negligible. which means that using low-power parts except for CPU and GPU won't help much :)

For example:
- Normal Core i5: 65Watts
- Average high-end GPU: 250 Watts
- Harddisk: 5 Watts

A low-power harddisk ('green') may use 2.5 Watts instead of 5 but on the entire system this won't make much of a difference. Even going to a 0.5 Watt SSD won't do much compared to the power consumption of your CPU and GPU.
I wish I had an $80 electric bill. Last Winter I had a few months where I was between $400 and $500. I'm on the plan where they average it for the year now and I pay $189 a month.
I'm at about 3-400 dollars a month in electric bills (live in cold northern norway.)
And that's not really expensive.

At summer, it's half.