Right so short intro, I used to play on Ragnaros Horde where I had my own guild with a fair amount of the guild achievements done towards the middle of WOD, I took a break from wow until last month to find Ragnaros' population is in the toilet so I moved to Outland and started up another guild but of course it has no guild achievements, what I would like to do is set 3 bots to farm dungeons/scenarios etc for some guild achievements but the only problem is if said bots get banned some time down the line will my guild be punished in anyway, for example will the gold from challenges or the achivements be undone or anything like that, if it is a possibility would me playing on my actual account with the bots make any difference? My thinking being that if it was only bots getting the achievements then no one has really put effort in but if a legit player has been playing with the bots perhaps the achievements would not be undone because someone has put time and effort in, any imput would be great, if anyone has done this or something similar before please let me know 
TL;DR: Will guild achievements be undone if they are earned by a team of bots that get banned?

TL;DR: Will guild achievements be undone if they are earned by a team of bots that get banned?
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