all ips are logged forever so that means they know about all your accounts under that ip. what blizzard decides to do about it?.. this community will never know.. the bot owner could know.. but we will really never know because the amount of information gathered in ban reports is not enough and ppl dont list everything theyve done, only what happen at the time of their ban. they are always argueing about stuff like game time played and amount of auctions etc.. they dont know nothing, youll have to find out for yourself. ive done some reading though and if blizzard wanted to they can detect you within 2 cycles of your profile, but for some reason they wait to ban you and im pretty sure the reason is to profit off you, make you think they dont know and give you time to have fun so you will buy another acct and try again. so my guess is they wait and add up the strikes against you.. player reports, maybe time played, maybe auctions, maybe for mass botting or maybe they mark everyone that uses the same public profile as the same guy but who knows..... one fact is they only ban a percentage of known botters at a time, this means you can miss the ban que for several weeks or months if your lucky and that may explain why hgoutyts other 2 accounts are not banned, but will never know his full story, just minor details that wont add up to any big picture.