If you bot in battlegrounds, you'll get banned via stacking manual player reports unless you do your own nav and settings, and even then it's risky, unless you're playing as a healer or something. (Even then)
Double honor weekends like this weekend, I just play manually, gear up my chars in a few hours of work on each. Or just do Ashran manually with a good group.
But seriously, botting in BGs is blatantly obvious and people WILL get mad and report you. After all these years, I still firmly believe many bans are a result of player reports, and when a bot is setup well they're usually actually better than most players in BGs, but when setup poorly it causes losses which makes teams angry, and is also pretty obvious (for instance, in Gilneas, healer specs sitting anchoring lighthouse/mines without every moving, and when they're the only healer on a team and not responding to people asking for heals/help, it sort of sends up a red flag)
Take the time to set up your bot and settings, 20 minutes of work can save you 6 months of suspended heartache