I typically use a completely seperate battle.net due to me being paranoid of them tracking where my gold is going, but I want to hear from the community. Have you had an account banned that is linked to your main profile, and have they removed the gold from your main account?
I tend to use the guildbank transfer method as my two accounts never physically meet, and nothing ties the two together. As far as blizzard knows, I'm just a Guildleader with a very generous guildie.
Do you have your banker level 1, and delete him periodically?
Tell me your setup!
I tend to use the guildbank transfer method as my two accounts never physically meet, and nothing ties the two together. As far as blizzard knows, I'm just a Guildleader with a very generous guildie.
Do you have your banker level 1, and delete him periodically?
Tell me your setup!