I haven't used HB for along time just to get 2 toons from 85-90. There was only 1 time I felt like I was being watched, fortunately I don't bot without supervising and not for more than 8 hours, what happened was that a tiger bugged at about 1% HP and my char tried to kill it for the longest time until I saw it and moved away from that spot.
Anyways my question is, if all I do is quest to level and do BG's for honor do I always get a 72 hr suspension first in case I get caught? I noticed that most people get the banhammer right away when they try to sell gold or farm/gather too much.
Also I have only been using the 1 day keys for 0,99 cents for now because I don't quite get what the key for 25 dollars does, is it lifetime? Is it for a year? It just says 1 session..
I haven't used HB for along time just to get 2 toons from 85-90. There was only 1 time I felt like I was being watched, fortunately I don't bot without supervising and not for more than 8 hours, what happened was that a tiger bugged at about 1% HP and my char tried to kill it for the longest time until I saw it and moved away from that spot.
Anyways my question is, if all I do is quest to level and do BG's for honor do I always get a 72 hr suspension first in case I get caught? I noticed that most people get the banhammer right away when they try to sell gold or farm/gather too much.
Also I have only been using the 1 day keys for 0,99 cents for now because I don't quite get what the key for 25 dollars does, is it lifetime? Is it for a year? It just says 1 session..