Based on the actions in this most recent incident and any prior record on the service account, we have terminated the FINAL FANTASY XIV service account registered to this e-mail in accordance with the FINAL FANTASY XIV User Agreement. To best understand the penalties taken against the service account, please review the Account Penalty Policy section on the Support Center at the following link:
For information on prohibited activities in FINAL FANTASY XIV, please refer to the Square Enix Account Terms of Use, the FINAL FANTASY XIV User Agreement, and the following URL:
As your account has been terminated due to a violation, you will be unable to create another FINAL FANTASY XIV service account.
Unfortunately, you have shown yourself to be unwilling to follow the rules of the FINAL FANTASY XIV community. If we find that you have created another FINAL FANTASY XIV service account, we reserve the right to terminate that account as well in our sole discretion.
NOTE: If you suspect the violation resulted from unauthorized access to the FINAL FANTASY XIV service account or the actions of an unauthorized third party who is not your parent or legal guardian, or if there are other points you wish to clarify, please contact the SQUARE ENIX Support Center.
Thats the activity log so...
And I was never suspended before hand or anything and only ever received 1 warning for flaming some guy in a raid.
Rest of email below:
This message has been sent to you for notification purposes only, and we are unable to address further inquires via replies to this email. Should you have any additional questions or concerns, we ask that you visit the SQUARE ENIX Support Center at [] to contact us directly.
- SQUARE ENIX Account Administrator