I'm making this because I wanted to share my secret with everyone else as I don't believe this is fully optimized but I cant seem to find any info about it anywhere else. Using the Razer software to create macros, you can create a 1 button macro that spams your abilities in a somewhat optimal manner leaving you free to concentrate on mechanics.
/castsequence outbreak
/cast blood tap
/cast pillar of frost
/use 13
/use 14
(this will be button 5)
/castsequence obliterate
/cast blood tap
/cast pillar of frost
/use 13
/use 14
(this will be button 6)
/castsequence howling blast
/cast blood tap
/cast pillar of frost
/use 13
/use 14
(this will be button 7)
/castsequence frost strike
/cast blood tap
/cast pillar of frost
/use 13
/use 14
(this will be button 8)
/castsequence horn of winter
/cast blood tap
/cast pillar of frost
/use 13
/use 14
- open up razer software
- Click Manage Macros
- Click New
- Call it "Dk Single" (or whatever you want to)
- In the lower right hand corner, check "Ignore delays between events..."
- Click the record button (little green circle)
- on your keyboard press 4 then 5 then 6 then 7 then 8 and click the stop button.
- right click at the end and click "insert time delay", right clikck on that .050 and set it to 500ms and hit enter
- click apply
- go to assign keys menu
- click on Q and at the bottom click macro
- find DK single in the drop down menu and left click on the 3rd option (play while assigned key is pressed) and hit ok
- Click ok.
- go to wow and set up your bar with the following macros:
/castsequence outbreak
/cast blood tap
/cast pillar of frost
/use 13
/use 14
(this will be button 5)
/castsequence obliterate
/cast blood tap
/cast pillar of frost
/use 13
/use 14
(this will be button 6)
/castsequence howling blast
/cast blood tap
/cast pillar of frost
/use 13
/use 14
(this will be button 7)
/castsequence frost strike
/cast blood tap
/cast pillar of frost
/use 13
/use 14
(this will be button 8)
/castsequence horn of winter
/cast blood tap
/cast pillar of frost
/use 13
/use 14
- You will use other cooldowns but I prefer to use them separately.
- All you do is hold down your Q key and it will dps for you, you of course using the other dps cooldowns as desired.
- Raid dummy with only self buffs and ilvl 387 I burst up to 34k with it settling around 24-25k and top meters in lfr.
- to make an aoe macro, do all the steps except while recording the macro use 6 then 7 then 5 then 8. This will prioritize howling blast over obliterate for optimal aoe. Proper gemming, enchanting, reforging and again using other cooldowns to achieve best results.
- can also be done with autohkey but i dont remember enough about it to make a tutorial
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