so with the new season of arena looming around the corner, i decided to farm some honor for gear... and i got bored after about.... 5hrs a piece. i decided to use hb, and i noticed that all of a sudden i was getting disconnected quite frequently. i'm not entirely sure if this is a problem with HB or a detection method of WoWs. The only reason i am posting this speculation is that because these disconnects have rarely ever occured, and never 4 within the time span of 30mins like most recently. This reminds me of an account i had before where i was running honorbuddy, and monitoring it at work during a break. I noticed that i got disconnected 5 times while running honorbuddy in a row, within 5 mins of the bot running, it would disconnect. so i gave up and stopped botting until i got home. When i arrived home i had received a suspension of 3 hrs for exploiting the honor system.
For me the occurance of disconnects seem to be connected to botting only. Let me know if other people have noticed this.
For me the occurance of disconnects seem to be connected to botting only. Let me know if other people have noticed this.