What I want: 2 RAF-players turning in a Quest at the same time.
I wan't a pulse that check for if "CurrentTarget.QuestGiverStatus == QuestGiverStatus.TurnIn && if PartyMember1.Distance/Range > 50 yards"...
Then I want my pulse to close the dialog to the NPC, just like a ESC-keypress does. But if the teammate is in range then continue as normal. Any help would be appreciated!
I wan't a pulse that check for if "CurrentTarget.QuestGiverStatus == QuestGiverStatus.TurnIn && if PartyMember1.Distance/Range > 50 yards"...
Then I want my pulse to close the dialog to the NPC, just like a ESC-keypress does. But if the teammate is in range then continue as normal. Any help would be appreciated!