My herb farmers got banned after the recent banwave and they were given perma bans which can come from a manual investigation while the ones hit in the wave were 6 month bans. Do you think that they flagged the bottling accounts and are reviewing the ones that got hit to see if they started up again? I somehow doubt that HB quickly figured out what was getting them detected, so they made a new update but Blizz was prepared and is looking through the flagged accounts from the wave. I tend to think the paranoia stuff is just that, but maybe we can make a connection here by seeing if those that reinstalled and such are safer.
Sometimes the info of two people can contradict and make the determination of what is causing the ban more difficult, so I'm mainly looking for people that got banned but didn't lose all accounts. What were the safe accounts doing differently?
Sometimes the info of two people can contradict and make the determination of what is causing the ban more difficult, so I'm mainly looking for people that got banned but didn't lose all accounts. What were the safe accounts doing differently?