I tried Tera, I enjoyed the random ganking and such, but there was no reward or risk from pvp. GW2 wasn't terrible, but the endgame there was structured pvp, which is fine if thats what you're into.
I didn't play DF1.0, I just stumbled upon this game and became really interested so I gave it a go. I do enjoy DFUW quite a bit for a few reasons. I like the feat/prowess system which is basically replacing levels and such, the classes can be built anyway you want them to, which is right up my ally. But the thing that I really like about the game? Full sandbox player based game and full loot pvp. That high risk type of game where its not safe anywhere (there are safe zones, but you can't do much in them) is what I enjoy. It is fun taking other peoples shit imho. Anyway, the game is full sandbox. The PvE endgame is extremely hard, 70-80+ players to kill the shit. And the pvp endgame is intense with the sieges and constant breaking of player controlled alliances and such.
Anyway, the game has a lot to improve on, but for right now, with my taste for pixel blood, what else is there? Besides, no better game when you feel like trollin.
Back to the topic, a harvesting macro/bot would be tits since the crafting is such a large part of the game and fairly difficult. Something to do part of the work is always welcome in any game I play.