this is my build
[Trinity 2.14.30] Item: Amulet: Hellfire Amulet (298057)
[Trinity 2.14.30] ------ Equipped Non-Set Legendaries: Items=4, Sets=2 ------
[Trinity 2.14.30] Item: Bracer: Wraps of Clarity (440428) is Equipped
[Trinity 2.14.30] Item: Belt: The Witching Hour (193670) is Equipped
[Trinity 2.14.30] Item: Quiver: Dead Man's Legacy (197630) is Equipped
[Trinity 2.14.30] Item: Bow: Yang's Recurve (319407) is Equipped
[Trinity 2.14.30] ------ Equipped in Kanai's Cube: Items=3 ------
[Trinity 2.14.30] Item: Helm: Visage of Gunes (429266) is Equipped
[Trinity 2.14.30] Item: Ring: Convention of Elements (433496) is Equipped
[Trinity 2.14.30] Item: HandCrossbow: Dawn (196409) is Equipped
[Trinity 2.14.30] ------ Set: Unhallowed Essence : 6/6 Equipped. ActiveBonuses=3/3 ------
[Trinity 2.14.30] Item: Shoulder: Unsanctified Shoulders (414760) is Equipped
[Trinity 2.14.30] Item: Chest: Cage of the Hellborn (408871) is Equipped
[Trinity 2.14.30] Item: Gloves: Fiendish Grips (408876) is Equipped
[Trinity 2.14.30] Item: Legs: Unholy Plates (408881) is Equipped
[Trinity 2.14.30] Item: Helm: Accursed Visage (414753) is Equipped
[Trinity 2.14.30] Item: Boots: Hell Walkers (408866) is Equipped
[Trinity 2.14.30] ------ Set: Bastions of Will : 2/2 Equipped. ActiveBonuses=1/1 ------
[Trinity 2.14.30] Item: Ring: Focus (332209) is Equipped
[Trinity 2.14.30] Item: Ring: Restraint (332210) is Equipped
[Trinity 2.14.30] ------ Active Skills / Runes ------
[Trinity 2.14.30] Skill: Entangling Shot Rune=Bounty Hunter Type=Generator
[Trinity 2.14.30] Skill: Smoke Screen Rune=Lingering Fog Type=Other
[Trinity 2.14.30] Skill: Preparation Rune=Invigoration Type=Other
[Trinity 2.14.30] Skill: Shadow Power Rune=Gloom Type=Other
[Trinity 2.14.30] Skill: Multishot Rune=Arsenal Type=Spender
[Trinity 2.14.30] Skill: Vengeance Rune=Seethe Type=Other
[Trinity 2.14.30] ------ Passives ------
[Trinity 2.14.30] Passive: Thrill of the Hunt
[Trinity 2.14.30] Passive: Cull the Weak
[Trinity 2.14.30] Passive: Ballistics
[Trinity 2.14.30] Passive: Ambush
and this is my result
Adventurer][Rift] Runs count: 2
[Adventurer][Rift] This run time: 0:09:31
[Adventurer][Rift] Average run time: 0:09:25
[Adventurer][Rift] Best run time: 0:09:20
[Adventurer][Rift] Worse run time: 0:09:31
[Adventurer][Rift] This run XP Gained: 11,384,555,423
[Adventurer][Rift] This run / Hour: 71,732,406,197
[Adventurer][Rift] Total XP Gained: 22,279,974,974
[Adventurer][Rift] Total XP / Hour: 70,873,004,170
[Adventurer][Rift] Best XP / Hour (single run): 71,732,406,197
[Adventurer][Rift] Worse XP / Hour (single run): 69,997,310,994
[Adventurer][Rift] Best XP / Single run: 11,384,555,423
[Adventurer][Rift] Worse XP / Single run: 10,895,419,551