Is there anyone who have maaged to kill this in RAF?
Well, in a RAF botting situation it is kinda about luck, in a normal heroic, during the time someone is being hit with Mirror Soul, the dps should not be dps'ing in which case it is easy to heal through as a healer. Hell I have even finished this fight when the healer died as an enhance shaman because it is that easy to heal through. My point is, the only reason why it is hard while botting is, because they won't stop attacking during the Mirrored Soul phases.Yes on heroic infact. Its a pure DPS fight and you neeed 51% luck. If the healer gets hit its a wipe. If the healer can heal through it you're good.
Yes on heroic infact. Its a pure DPS fight and you neeed 51% luck. If the healer gets hit its a wipe. If the healer can heal through it you're good.
Well, in a RAF botting situation it is kinda about luck, in a normal heroic, during the time someone is being hit with Mirror Soul, the dps should not be dps'ing in which case it is easy to heal through as a healer. Hell I have even finished this fight when the healer died as an enhance shaman because it is that easy to heal through. My point is, the only reason why it is hard while botting is, because they won't stop attacking during the Mirrored Soul phases.
Of c.
I do all the new instances on a daily basis.
When I started doing HC's the healer was around 2k GS now he is 5.2k and is done with emblems gear.
Healing thru mirrored soul is np really.
If your healer stands in the wrong spot during his laserbeam of d00m phase just put on GS and slap a HoS on him.
I might add tho that my tank outgears the encounter by FAR so its not much of a test.
Pally tank, 48k hp unbuffed
RAF chars:
Resto Druid - FPS Got wood
Mage - projectE
Retri Pally - mords Pally C
Elemental Shaman - shamwow
All the RAF chars got roughly 5k - 5.3k GS.
Depending on how much VoA drops they have gotten.
I have roughly 30-70ish FPS on each client.
I actually don't know, I have enuf power in my rig to plan and land a medium sized westcoast city on Mars.
I haven't had any problem with Mords pally CC being slow.
Same with my druid. he is doing fine. Just did VoA10 with him as 1 of 2 healers. No probs.
I just tried 3 more times, got him down to 21% but my Druid dies way too fast everytime. This fight must be, as said before be all about luck
I have a plan, but will take some setup to do :S I use keyclone, so I can have some hotkeys that will trigger Lifeblood on all toons at the same time. I can also, do this with Avenging Wrath and other usefull spells.
That boss will die, sooner or later![]()
During what phase is your healer dying? If it is indeed the Mirrored Soul part your healer should be able to handle it on the dps, and you can bop your healer during his mirror, then just hope he doesn't get mirrored again during the CD. Only really tough part about running them RAF is making sure they move during Eye Beam. I am not sure how they all handle movement during combat, so I am not able to help with resolving that issue.
dont forget to change the fps for your non-focus windows in the keyclone.
by default keyclone sets it to: maxfps_01=30.10
that makes 30fps for focus window and 10fps for non-focus window...
i set mine to: maxfps_01=32.23
are you telling me that RaF can run normal dungeons like VH etc by itself??!! and heroics?!
and right profiles for healers *