In a recent press, the WoW Developers and the creators of Warden were asked what they were going to do about all the botters.
They said they are working on a new program to be released in July 2010 that will detect when an .exe is opened while WoW is open,and if they find it is a hack/bot the account and accounts linked will all get banned.
They also mentioned they are starting to target bots such as Mr.Fishit, the Honorbuddy and Gatherbuddy bots, and Pirox. They said they have been investigating these bots codes and are soon going to go further in, eventually FOOLING ALL U FOOLS,
They said they are working on a new program to be released in July 2010 that will detect when an .exe is opened while WoW is open,and if they find it is a hack/bot the account and accounts linked will all get banned.
They also mentioned they are starting to target bots such as Mr.Fishit, the Honorbuddy and Gatherbuddy bots, and Pirox. They said they have been investigating these bots codes and are soon going to go further in, eventually FOOLING ALL U FOOLS,