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Destruction Warlock PvP 5.4.7 | The Complete Guide


New Member
Jan 14, 2014

Destruction Warlock PvP 5.4.7 | The Complete Guide
**I recommend only using this spec for PvP if you are comfortable with it,
as Affliction / Demonology does pull ahead in some PvP situations.**


| Introduction |

I would like to note that I made this entire build myself with no extreme theory crafting involved.
I simply play a PvP Destruction Warlock as my main character, and tend to know quite a bit about this class.
I am not a Rank 1 Warlock or a 2400+ Gladiator Warlock, I simply play 2v2s for fun with a good friend of mine.
I am making this guide as a reference to others due to the fact that Destruction Warlock PvP seems
to be on the down low when it comes to guides / tutorials for some reason.

Either way, I am open to any helpful criticism, and I hope this helps somebody.


| Talents |

Click Here to View Basic / RBG Talent Build - Uses the basic PvP talents
Click Here to View 2v2 with Damage Talent Build - Focuses on Burst Damage Output
Click Here to View 2v2 with Healer Talent Build - Focuses on Overtime Damage Output
Click Here to View 3v3 / 5v5 Talent Build - Focuses on Pure Damage Output

Tier 1 : Dark Regeneration
I would say this is the default spell for which you will be doing PvP due to the controlled 30% heal and the healing received buff afterwards. On the flip side, if you run 2v2s as a double damage comp, the healing buff doesn't become as relevant and you have the option to replace it with Soul Leech. Even though Soul Leech works better with Affliction, in a longer battle you may receive more of a benefit, and it is also a passive. I do believe this talent can be switch between the two.

Tier 2 : Mortal Coil
I find this to be one of my favorite and most used talents. Not only do you get a fear, but also a nice heal on a 45 seconds cool-down. I do believe this would be more 2v2 aimed, since Shadowfury / Demonic Breath would be better if you need an AoE stun / CC. I do believe this talent is fully optional.

Tier 3 : Soul Link
Incase you didn't know, this spell gives you +20% HP at all times when using Grimoire of Sacrifice, (which we will be). On top of that, 3% of all damage dealt is turned back into healing on you. DO NOT use Sacrificial Pact with Grimoire of Sacrifice; You can actually end up losing health when casting it if you don't know what you are doing. (Look it up if you think I'm lying.) Dark Bargain would be more a 3v3 to 5v5 talent if you knew of an incoming burst on you and you could work it out with your healer. This talent can be changed, but I would highly recommend sticking with Soul Link.

Tier 4 : Blood Horror
This is sort of a trash talent area. None of the spells here are really big benefits, but Blood Horror can be useful. I would not recommend using anything other than Blood Horror because Burning Rush causes you to lose health rapidly for a unnecessary speed boost, and Unbound Will costs 20% of your health. (Even though wowhead says it doesn't, it still does.) I would not recommend changing this talent away from Blood Horror.

Tier 5 : Grimoire of Sacrifice
I do believe Tier 5 has some of the most beneficial spells available compared to all the other tiers. The reason for me choosing Grimoire of Sacrifice is because I don't have to worry about a pet dying or having to control it, you gain a 20% health increase, regenerate 2% of life every 5 seconds and gain an extra spell based off of your demon. Grimoire of Service is a nice burst spell, but incase you don't kill the enemy within those 20 seconds, you are out for about 2min. Grimoire of Supremacy is probably very close if not equal to Grimoire of Sacrifice in terms of damage output, (minus the health regeneration and increased health), plus you have to worry about your pet dying. (I know you have Flames of Xoroth, but you know). I do believe this talent can be changed, but I would highly recommend Grimoire of Sacrifice.

Tier 6 : Archimonde's Darkness
This is a tier where you could go one of two ways. Your two options here are between Archimonde's Darkness and Kil'jaeden's Cunning. I personally find myself switching between the two, but for damage output, Archimonde's Darkness is a better talent. (Plus it is much more of a passive talent compared to Mannoroth's Fury). (Being able to move while casting Immolate is a very nice perk though.) As for Mannoroth's Fury, I never find myself using it or getting any benefit out of it, but if it works for you, then do as you please. I do believe this talent can be changed, but I would highly recommend Archimonde's Darkness or Kil'jaeden's Cunning.


| Glyphs |

Glyphs are very situational, although there are a few I recommend you use.

Major : Glyph of Conflagrate
Reason : Usually Immolate come before Conflagrate, but this helps in situations otherwise.

Major : Glyph of Demonic Circle
Reason : Demonic Circle: Teleport should be used whenever you have melee on you

The rest of the glyphs are fully optional and provide little benefit or cosmetic effects.


| Rotation |

Let me start by saying there is no such thing as an exact / perfect PvP rotation.
When it comes to PvP every rotation is different based on the situation that you are in at the time.
This is a basic guideline / idea of how you should be using your spells.

1.) Pre-fight Buffs
- Grimoire of Sacrifice
- - - - I would recommend using this on the Succubus for the 3 / 6 seconds silence.
- Soulstone
- - - - Only use this if you are in a Battleground or World PvPing. No affect in arenas.
- Dark Intent
- - - - Can affect all team members.
- Blood Horror
- - - - Use as close to before starting combat as possible.
- Create Soulwell / Healthstone
- - - - Soulwell for teammates and healthstone for yourself.

2.) Applying DoTs to all enemies (Damage over time spells)
- Curse of the Elements
- - - - Can only use one curse per target.
- Immolate
- - - - Keep this up for more damage / embers. Refresh at anytime under 8 seconds because time stacks.

3.) Building Embers / Pre-burst
- Rain of Fire
- - - - Put on location with most enemies refresh every ~8 seconds.
- Conflagrate
- - - Should be used on cool down for damage / embers.
- Incinerate
- - - - Spam this when nothing else to cast for damage / embers
- Summon Doomguard
- - - - I usually cast this about 5 - 20 seconds prior to starting burst

4.) Burst mode engage
- Dark Soul: Instability
- - - - Cast this along with any other damage cool down you have
- Chaos Bolt
- - - - Try to save 1 ember for Shadowburn. Try to avoid being interrupted (Fearing works well.)
- Shadowburn
- - - - Use this no matter what part of the rotation you are in if it is castable.

Throughout this rotation you should be using all fears, teleports, health cool downs and CC remove trinkets.


| Gearing |

When it comes to buying PvP gear, there are different non-tier pieces.
This means there are more than 1 pair of boots / bracers / etc. that you can purchase.
Which should you choose? This is what we will be going over below.

Stat Priority | Mastery > Crit > Haste

Main Hand | Prideful Gladiator's Mageblade
- - - - Enchant | Jade Spirit

Off Hand | Prideful Gladiator's Endgame
- - - - Enchant | +165 Intellect (Major Intellect)

Head | Prideful Gladiator's Felweave Cowl
- - - - Gems | Tyrannical Primal Diamond (Meta) / Artful Vermilion Onyx (Red)

Neck | Prideful Gladiator's Pendant of Cruelty

Shoulder | Prideful Gladiator's Felweave Amice
- - - - Enchant | Greater Crane Wing Inscription
- - - - Gems | Fractured Sun's Radiance (Yellow)
- - - - Reforge | Haste to Crit

Back | Prideful Gladiator's Drape of Prowess
- - - - Enchant | +180 Intellect (Superior Intellect)
- - - - Reforge | Haste to Crit

Chest | Prideful Gladiator's Felweave Raiment
- - - - Enchant | +200 PvP Resilience (Super Resilience)
- - - - Gems | Artful Vermilion Onyx (Red) / Fractured Sun's Radiance (Yellow)
- - - - Reforge | Haste to Mastery

Wrist | Prideful Gladiator's Cuffs of Prowess
- - - - Enchant | +180 Intellect (Super Intellect)
- - - - Reforge | Haste to Crit

Hands | Prideful Gladiator's Felweave Handguards
- - - - Enchant | +170 Mastery (Superior Mastery)
- - - - Gems | Sensei's Wild Jade (Blue)
- - - - Reforge | Hit to Mastery

Waist | Prideful Gladiator's Cord of Cruelty
- - - - Enchant | Belt Buckle
- - - - Gems | Sensei's Wild Jade (Blue) / Fractured Sun's Radiance (Any)

Legs | Prideful Gladiator's Felweave Trousers
- - - - Enchant | Greater Cerulean Spellthread
- - - - Gems | Keen Vermilion Onyx (Red) / Sensei's Wild Jade (Blue)
- - - - Reforge | Haste to Crit

Feet | Prideful Gladiator's Treads of Cruelty
- - - - Enchant | Pandaren's Step
- - - - Gem | Fractured Sun's Radiance (Yellow)

Ring 1 | Prideful Gladiator's Band of Accuracy
- - - - Reforge | Hit to Mastery

Ring 2 | Prideful Gladiator's Band of Cruelty

Trinket 1 | Prideful Gladiator's Insignia of Dominance
- - - - - - - - - - - (Use 2 of these if Human) - - - - - - - - - - -
** If you are looking for only burst, then you will take more benefit from Intellect CD
Trinket along with one of these instead of two. (Only applies for Humans)**

Trinket 2 | Prideful Gladiator's Medallion of Cruelty
- - - - Reforge | Crit to Mastery


To be continued...

If you have any questions feel free to make a reply or message me.
I spent over 3-hours putting this together, so please only helpful criticizing.
I will try to respond to anyone within 24-hours.

If you see anything wrong, or recommend something to be changed,
feel free to let me know and I will look into it ASAP.
[Change Log]

- Official Guide Release (Patch 5.4.7)

- Updated Talents for different situations.
- Fixed minor typos
- Updated information on a few talents
- Fixed info on gearing Trinkets for Humans