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Desecrate / Detonate Dead Help


Jan 3, 2013
Hi Guys,

I am hoping to get some help with coding a basic use of desecrate / detonate dead. I believe it should be simple, just not familiar with how to code C#.

Essentially, what I would like EB to do is cast Detonate dead at a target if there are corpses nearby. If there are no corpses nearby, cast desecrate at target mob. Restart back at Detonate dead logic.

Looking over the zombie logic, it seems there is already a way for EB to check for valid corpses. If I had a shred of C# knowledge it would probably be a case of trial and error putting those together in a elseif statement?

// If we have Raise Zombie, we can look for dead bodies to use for our army as we move around.
if (_raiseZombieSlot != -1)
// See if we can use the skill.
var skill = LokiPoe.InGameState.SkillBarPanel.Slot(_raiseZombieSlot);
if (skill.CanUse())
var max = skill.GetStat(StatType.NumberOfZombiesAllowed);
if (skill.NumberDeployed < max)
// Check for a target near us.
var target = BestDeadTarget;
if (target != null)
await DisableAlwaysHiglight();

Log.InfoFormat("[Logic] Using {0} on {1}.", skill.Name, target.Name);

var uaerr = LokiPoe.InGameState.SkillBarPanel.UseAt(_raiseZombieSlot, false,
if (uaerr == LokiPoe.InGameState.UseError.None)
await Coroutines.FinishCurrentAction(false);

await Coroutine.Sleep(Utility.LatencySafeValue(100));

return true;

Log.ErrorFormat("[Logic] UseAt returned {0} for {1}.", uaerr, skill.Name);
Things I have no idea what to do:
- create a skill like _raiseZombieSlot for both desecrate and Detonate Dead
- set it up so that these skills can be auto detected / auto used (akin to totemizer).
- setting up variables needed etc

I'm hoping this would be a 10 minute thing that someone can help with and not require a completely overhauled routine like I'm lead to believe Flameblast needs.

Anyway, if any help can be provided I would greatly appreciate it!

Thanks all.
for me about 30 minutes of work without the GUI (not even going to bother with the wpf stuff unless I must)

I am billed out to large Pharma at €160/hour so.. got €80 for me? hahaha. But since coding is not what I am billed out for so.. how about €40?

just kidding. I will have a look later today :p as this has been requested before for the minion(SRS) CR I am doing (kinda)

for me about 30 minutes of work without the GUI (not even going to bother with the wpf stuff unless I must)

I am billed out to large Pharma at €160/hour so.. got €80 for me? hahaha. But since coding is not what I am billed out for so.. how about €40?

just kidding. I will have a look later today :p as this has been requested before for the minion(SRS) CR I am doing (kinda)


Hey WiMM,

Just checking to see whether you had any luck / had a chance to look at this one?

And yeah man, happy to virtually shout you a drink or something for your efforts :)