I talked briefly with willz916 about this problem in another thread but I thought id make my own to see if others can help with this problem. What I am trying to achieve is run a corruption healing routine flawlessly meaning without any of the errors am experiencing atm.
Error: In a tactical flashpoint when I run the corruption healing routine it targets 1 person in group and it will continue to spam heals on that character non stop even when at full life. When I activate it in fleet it will auto target someone and spam heals non stop (I did this just to test). Even if I try to target someone else for example myself it will un target and retarget old target and start spamming heals.
I don't think there is something wrong with the healing routine itself because I tried it using PureRotation and it works flawlessly. PureRotation is outdated hence why I want it to work with default combat.
Here is the rotation that I tweak that's working flawlessly for me with PureRotation: Actually this one is for DefaultCombat. If you want it to work with PureRotation, just open up the corruption.cs in the PureRotation folder and changed the the code similar to the code below.
And here is my log file:
Error: In a tactical flashpoint when I run the corruption healing routine it targets 1 person in group and it will continue to spam heals on that character non stop even when at full life. When I activate it in fleet it will auto target someone and spam heals non stop (I did this just to test). Even if I try to target someone else for example myself it will un target and retarget old target and start spamming heals.
I don't think there is something wrong with the healing routine itself because I tried it using PureRotation and it works flawlessly. PureRotation is outdated hence why I want it to work with default combat.
Here is the rotation that I tweak that's working flawlessly for me with PureRotation: Actually this one is for DefaultCombat. If you want it to work with PureRotation, just open up the corruption.cs in the PureRotation folder and changed the the code similar to the code below.
// Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Bossland GmbH
// See the file LICENSE for the source code's detailed license
using Buddy.BehaviorTree;
using DefaultCombat.Core;
using DefaultCombat.Helpers;
namespace DefaultCombat.Routines
internal class Corruption : RotationBase
public override string Name
get { return "Sorcerer Corruption"; }
public override Composite Buffs
return new PrioritySelector(
Spell.Buff("Mark of Power")
public override Composite Cooldowns
return new PrioritySelector(
Spell.Buff("Recklessness", ret => Targeting.ShouldAoeHeal),
Spell.Buff("Polarity Shift", ret => Targeting.ShouldAoeHeal),
Spell.Buff("Unnatural Preservation", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 75)
public override Composite SingleTarget
return new PrioritySelector(
Spell.Cast("Mind Snap", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting && !DefaultCombat.MovementDisabled),
Spell.Cast("Force Stun", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting && !DefaultCombat.MovementDisabled),
Spell.Cast("Force Storm", ret => Targeting.ShouldAoe),
Spell.Cast("Crushing Darkness"),
Spell.DoT("Affliction", "Affliction"),
Spell.Cast("Force Lightning"),
Spell.Cast("Lightning Strike")
public override Composite AreaOfEffect
return new PrioritySelector(
//Cleanse if needed
//Emergency Heal (Insta-cast)
Spell.Heal("Dark Heal", 80, ret => Me.HasBuff("Altruism")),
//Aoe Heal
Spell.HealGround("Revivification", ret => Targeting.ShouldAoe),
//Single Target Healing
Spell.Heal("Innervate", 80),
Spell.Heal("Static Barrier", 90,
ret => HealTarget != null && !HealTarget.HasDebuff("Deionized") && !HealTarget.HasBuff("Static Barrier")),
//Buff Tank
Spell.Heal("Static Barrier", on => Tank, 100,
ret => Tank != null && Tank.InCombat && !Tank.HasDebuff("Deionized") && !Tank.HasBuff("Static Barrier")),
Spell.Heal("Roaming Mend", on => Tank, 100, ret => Tank != null && Tank.InCombat && Me.BuffCount("Roaming Mend Charges") <= 1),
//Use Force Bending
new Decorator(ret => Me.HasBuff("Force Bending"),
new PrioritySelector(
Spell.Heal("Innervate", 90),
Spell.Heal("Dark Infusion", 50)
//Build Force Bending
Spell.HoT("Resurgence", 80),
Spell.HoT("Resurgence", on => Tank, 100, ret => Tank != null && Tank.InCombat),
//Force Regen
Spell.Cast("Consuming Darkness", on => Me, ret => Me.HasBuff("Force Surge") && Me.HealthPercent > 15 && Me.ForcePercent < 80),
//Single Target Healing
Spell.Heal("Dark Heal", 35),
Spell.Heal("Dark Infusion", 85)
And here is my log file:
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