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Dalaran and port


New Member
Apr 6, 2010
I think it would be extremely helpful for such addon's as eTrain to have the ability to hearth and take a port. Assuming hearth is set to Dalaran. With that option you could set port location to one any of the ports located in Dalaran. I myself don't know how such programs would be written however I would assume it would be as follows:

1. Hearth
2. Port location - will require nav mesh and target port
3. done

and at step 3 it will continue to the class trainer of the class you are. So I could type in, say, Thunderbluff, and it will hearth to Dalaran, and port to Thunderbluff and train at Hunter's Rise, rather than having to take the flight path to and fro, to save time. Just a thought. Any thoughts on that?
i just developed the code that does that, its currently making its way into some of the newer plugins.
once i get the code for reading chat, and someone to help explain it to me, the fun will really begin
or at least WoWLandmark

i am sure that Nesox or Main will help you
i will forward to them this thread once i got them online on msn
This will print all the currently loaded landsmarks, eg;
SotAGates, Stables/Lumber Mill/Farm in AB etc..

foreach(WoWLandMark landmark in Battlegrounds.LandMarks.LandmarkList)
    Logging.Write("[{0}]:{1} Entry:{1}", landmark.Name, landmark.Description, landmark.Entry);
Can't wait... i get the feeling once HB2 reaches the paid plugin state there will be a huge influx of plugins coming out :) hopesome of my ideas i've posted worked into them :) Keep up the good work CG :)