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Credits: SWTOR


New Member
Mar 16, 2011
Whats up everyone. I don't know about you guys, but I've been loving the shit out of SWTOR and I can't wait to start bot'ing with it too.

I am curious to know how people have been doing with credits so far in the game. My server hasn't seen a lot of Galactic Market Kiosk activity yet so it's been hard to nail down how much stuff is selling for. Not to mention how botting is really going to work on this game (a bot that sends your companions out on missions until you run out of credits then it's up to you to sell on GM?). Farming doesn't look like it's really going to be even close to how it was with WoW, but no complaints. It's just going to take some more creativity :)
I am currently at 375k credits. I earning between 50-75k credits per hour. Life is good at the moment. Need credit prices to go up and life will be better :)
Slicing was a good way to make credits but I feel they nerfed it a few days ago. $18/100k is decent right now, not like wow when it first came out but defiantly better than wow in its current state.
Curious what you guys are doing for credit farming (aside from slicing).

We'll be needing to gauge what to look into for making money after we get leveling working.
Curious what you guys are doing for credit farming (aside from slicing).

We'll be needing to gauge what to look into for making money after we get leveling working.

Doing warzones and using the tokens to buy credit boxes is pretty efficient, combined with having your companions out doing slicing, is a solid way of making good credits.

Tradeskill mats are trivial right now because people are not trying to powerlevel them or craft high tier gear, so gathering those and trying to sell them is most likely not worth the effort, for now atleast.
is this game even worth the 60 dollars?
i can get it by paying less than 60$^^ dont ask wont tell.
as it seems u get alot oc C in no time once u hit 50, i saw on e bay some ppl selliln 50k on 120€ so who knows if u want to sell it so harsly then u?ll find a way^^
Perfect honorbuddy/gb before moving to new project ^_^
I asked what the price for SWTOR credits is, you are going offtopic ...
With goldprices at 0.1-0.2 €/ 1000 G im not thinking of buying licenses for several hundreds of €, to continue botting my accounts ...
Slicing has been nerfed as of today. The days of instant credits are gone. Expect prices to go up with this gone.
SWTOR is easily the next big mmo if they can continue to add end game content to it, and fix some of the small bugs they have. I don't even know why I'm still botting wow. A game with 7 year old graphics is painful to look at.

BTW slicing still makes good money, just not ridiculous money :)
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SWTOR is easily the next big mmo if they can continue to add end game content to it, and fix some of the small bugs they have. I don't even know why I'm still botting wow. A game with 7 year old graphics is painful to look at.

BTW slicing still makes good money, just not ridiculous money :)

Lets talk about it in 3 months, anything right now is speculation, but 1 million registred players now is not really much ...
SWTOR is easily the next big mmo if they can continue to add end game content to it, and fix some of the small bugs they have. I don't even know why I'm still botting wow. A game with 7 year old graphics is painful to look at.

BTW slicing still makes good money, just not ridiculous money :)

Loving Swtor atm but im still botting wow making up a nice gold chunk until the Pandaren expansion hits then im gonna try it out :)
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Lets talk about it in 3 months, anything right now is speculation, but 1 million registred players now is not really much ...

Just doing a quick Google search, WOW had 200,000 at launch (from multiple sources). SWTOR had 1 mil preorders at launch. It took WOW several years to get big. Not that it matters... I'll play what I enjoy and bot what I don't.

But I can say I've played every MMO to come out in the last 5 years and SWTOR has me the most interested.

Loving Swtor atm but im still botting wow making up a nice chunk until the Pandaren expansion hits then im gonna try it out

I'll probably check out the xpac as well, but I don't expect to stay with it long. I'm simply bored of WOW having done everything there is to do, and nothing changes. New gear, new instances, that's it.
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Just doing a quick Google search, WOW had 200,000 at launch (from multiple sources). SWTOR had 1 mil preorders at launch. It took WOW several years to get big.

Not a plausible arguement, the amount of mmorpg players among the world was lower when wow started, now there are several millions of players who have played mmorpgs the playerbase is at least like 40 times bigger ( even more when counting in every mmorpg like rift and stuff ...) then it was at wow start, also 1 million of registred accounts was the number which was rached fast after the launch of warhammer online .
I have no problem with SWTOR getting big, just saying there have been biiiig announcements before already ...
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Not a plausible arguement, the amount of mmorpg players among the world was lower when wow started, now there are several millions of players who have played mmorpgs the playerbase is at least like 40 times bigger ( even more when counting in every mmorpg like rift and stuff ...) then it was at wow start, also 1 million of registred accounts was the number which was rached fast after the launch of warhammer online .
I have no problem with SWTOR getting big, just saying there have been biiiig announcements before already ...

I know, every MMO claims to be the best etc etc. That being said have you played those ones and have you played this one? Your argument seems to be based on being let down by previous MMO's.

Personally I could tell Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, Aion, the list goes on, weren't going to go far just because they didn't hold my interest for one reason or another, had numerous bugs due to being released too early, forced you to grind, didn't have a market place at launch, had poor travel options, made things more difficult for the player than they needed to be, etc....
still with all the user friendly features swtor is boring as hell. and i am a starwars fan.