Hi All,
So with the huge legion crafting rush happening along with Quest Bot's not-entirely-complete/tested status, I've been thinking about ways to get to 110 from the 108ish that HB is currently leaving me at. I've had great success running skinning profiles, but realized that there is an even better way to bridge the gap::
Herb/Mining skinning profiles
Can anyone point me in the direction of a guide to help me make some of these? I've read a bit about how to get a profile to mine a mob, but I can't seem to find the info on how to make a working HB3 profile.
I would love to make some of these (I assume it can't be too, too hard) and contribute. Lots of gold to be made doing this, not to mention gearing.
So with the huge legion crafting rush happening along with Quest Bot's not-entirely-complete/tested status, I've been thinking about ways to get to 110 from the 108ish that HB is currently leaving me at. I've had great success running skinning profiles, but realized that there is an even better way to bridge the gap::
Herb/Mining skinning profiles
Can anyone point me in the direction of a guide to help me make some of these? I've read a bit about how to get a profile to mine a mob, but I can't seem to find the info on how to make a working HB3 profile.
I would love to make some of these (I assume it can't be too, too hard) and contribute. Lots of gold to be made doing this, not to mention gearing.