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Crashes and dissatisfaction with the bot.

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New Member
May 26, 2010
I've just recently bought this bot as a replacement of PiroX (seeing that they are closed) and my overall dissatisfaction of this bot just increases the more I try to use it. 1st there is no Anti-AFK procedures that can be activated. 2nd the bot freezes ALOT and then has to be reloaded after it crashes WoW.exe for the fact its memory loading through it. 3rd There are NO measures to relog your character after a disconnect caused either by the bot messing up or by a network related Disconnect. This bot uses some very interesting methods of gathering of which are in comparison ineffective to the previous bot I was using. It does roughly 40-60 nodes an hour on a Great day with this bot where my last was 2x that on an average day. Would someone like to disprove me and show me in an intellectual way how to make this bot run effectively. Oh and might I mention 4th after 30 minutes of play time it likes to use soooooo much CPU Processing power that it over heats my system and the BIOS uses its protective measures. Just for those whom are going to say that's your problem, I'm running a AMD x2 5000+ Dual core with 4 gigs of DDR2 PC 6400 and an ATI 5450 1GB Card. Seeing that PiroX never did this to my system I'd like to have someone try to logically explain why this hunk of crap is using such an ungodly amount of System resources.

not very much he eats RAM) I also have 4 GB of video d4600 2900. problems with the iron until the observed
There are Anti Afk measures, at least with the profiles i use (public ones) doesnt freeze at all on my setup, and im using Arelog for scheduling swapping between characters (banker, farmer, JC, ALC, Scribe then back to banker to sell everything) and for relogging my toon after a disconnect.

Just because you cant look through the forums properly and search for what you need doesnt entitle you to slate the product.

Ive been using this bot for a short while after moving over from Pirox and can see huge advantages over Pirox, apart from pvp which is being worked on at the moment.

Take your time, and look for for what you want and you will find it.
the whole bot is build more into WoW then priox is, where priox was mostly passive, we have access to everything that wow has access to. if your experiencing crashing, or stability issues then post a log as an attachment, you can find them in your Logs folder, and we would be more then glad to help you.
this "hunk of crap" works great on my machine. Try attaching a log or try explaining your problems without all of the hyperbole.
While the poster ended up *ranting* he isn't entirely wrong. While I like this bot FAR better than Pirox, lately it has been crashing regularly. Sometimes it lasts an hour, sometimes it lasts 12 hours...but it still crashes.

This isn't the exception to the rule either. Those of you that have no issues are the exception. I say that because in the past few weeks I've posted my logs regularly and my posts are often commented on by others having the same or similar issue. The overall stability is subpar atm.

To the OP, I will say that some of gripes you have are baseless...and its obvious you haven't browsed the forums, hence the reason ppl are piling on. Sure it's daunting and no...this isn't Pirox. Expecting it to be Pirox is 50% of your issue. For gathering, there are PLENTY of very SOLID profiles that will get you far more nodes and look far less 'botty' than Pirox. But as for the crashes...all we can do is post our logs and hope they are addressed by the devs.

EDIT: Before posting logs make sure you do a find and replace for your account name, character name(s) and realm (just an extra precaution i take).
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Here are all of the logs that I have it has been a consistent problem, so I'll let the dev's figure it out. The bot has very Minimal at best Anti-AFK Measures it will AFK on me 7-10 times 45 minutes in. And to clarify I'm using profiles I found on this site that were all verified, from people with many +Rep. On top of that this bot has no accumulative counter of how many items it has looted before you stop the bot. Which is nice to know so you can do rough accumulation counts of items. I apologize for my ranting but I've been trying at this for 5 days and I've had no luck. I'm not use to hotspots, I'm use to defined profile paths. (Which is how I actually farm not randomly flying around hoping for an ore or herb).


Also I am using ARelog and it seems to work beautifully. I still believe this should be integrated into Honorbuddy not an addon seeing it provides much functionality.
Also I am using ARelog and it seems to work beautifully. I still believe this should be integrated into Honorbuddy not an addon seeing it provides much functionality.

I'll have to agree with this.

The ranting, not so much. The bot isn't perfect, but most of us don't have the problems you do. You might wanna try asking for help in a more constructive way than just say "dis but suxxx".
ok, well first things first, make sure your running wow in Windowed Mode. full screen will not work.

now go into wow, and reset your keybindings, even if you havent changed them, default them back.

also if your using any addons in wow, disable them.

if you havent update your graphics card drivers and do windows updates.

give those things a go, and see if that helps at all.
hey everyone im having some trouble. when i click on HB nothing happens but it shows up in my processes. i AM running as admin and i have even tried to run it in compatibility mode to no avail. i am running windows 7 64 bit home premium.
hey everyone im having some trouble. when i click on HB nothing happens but it shows up in my processes. i AM running as admin and i have even tried to run it in compatibility mode to no avail. i am running windows 7 64 bit home premium.
should start your own thread and post logs
To the OP:

I started using this bot maybe a year or so ago, and at first it was hell, I hated it and almost gave up, Tony (The tony not the look-a-like :P) very generously helped me out, and I can guarantee that once you get the hang of it and can resolve the last little issues you have it will pay for itself and it will make your life so much easier. I pretty much only use Grinding, Questing, Profession Buddy, Lazy Raider and Gatherbuddy2....I stay clear of PvP, BG and InstanceBuddy, at this time they are buggy and there are ways to work around them (i.e using LazyRaider with movement for instances if you are at home and can check it every once in a while). I understand it is frustrating at first, but if you seek out the help and search the forums for guides, it will be well worth your time.

If in the future you have questions, about the bot itself, add ons, profiles etc...feel free to contact me with them, I am more than willing to help!
already did. threads are open everywhere and if anyone finds a working solution im sure they will post links. idk if anyone else is having that problem though.
tickle HB butt man maybe it'll work...

hey everyone im having some trouble. when i click on HB nothing happens but it shows up in my processes. i AM running as admin and i have even tried to run it in compatibility mode to no avail. i am running windows 7 64 bit home premium.
I'm also coming over from Pirox and sadly developing a real hatred for HB. I think the PRIMARY NUMBER ONE purpose of a bot is to just freaking RELIABLY fly around gathering nodes or skinning mobs, while defending itself against easy mobs that can basically be killed with autoattack. THAT'S THE BASICS. The ability to do fancy quests, play in arenas, freaking run a raid dps rotation while you just target the boss and move, etc... are all very nice but are EXTRAS. But what actually happens is every 3rd mob the bot will just stand there and not turn, and get attacked in the back... for 5 freaking minutes till it finally dies. This is on a druid and DK using every single CC I could find. all of them, it's not a CC issue. and of course the dozen other annoyances like getting stuck on simple things, freaking out if a node is under some overhanging obstruction, reliable relogging, etc. Anyhow I don't expect that to ever change, since I actually recognize most of this crap from back in the openbot/innerspace days, and I can only assume HB is based on that. if it hasnt been addressed in like 5 years by now it never will.

Right now, since the last update all of the above doesn't even matter since the bot crashes WoW with Error 132 within 2-4 hours guaranteed, and ARelog can't deal with it. And I can't find a way to download the previous version (WHY DO YOU REMOVE THE DL LINKS) which never crashed. So for my money I'm running the GB1 bot, the only thing that will actually herb and mine without me dedicating my life to babysitting it.

Just sad.
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not sure the issues you are having with GB...maybe using outdated profiles? I don't have any issues with those. The crashing, well...i hate it just as you do. It does only crash on me though when using BG Bot.
I'm also coming over from Pirox and sadly developing a real hatred for HB. I think the PRIMARY NUMBER ONE purpose of a bot is to just freaking RELIABLY fly around gathering nodes or skinning mobs, while defending itself against easy mobs that can basically be killed with autoattack. THAT'S THE BASICS. The ability to do fancy quests, play in arenas, freaking run a raid dps rotation while you just target the boss and move, etc... are all very nice but are EXTRAS. But what actually happens is every 3rd mob the bot will just stand there and not turn, and get attacked in the back... for 5 freaking minutes till it finally dies. This is on a druid and DK using every single CC I could find. all of them, it's not a CC issue. and of course the dozen other annoyances like getting stuck on simple things, freaking out if a node is under some overhanging obstruction, reliable relogging, etc. Anyhow I don't expect that to ever change, since I actually recognize most of this crap from back in the openbot/innerspace days, and I can only assume HB is based on that. if it hasnt been addressed in like 5 years by now it never will.

Right now, since the last update all of the above doesn't even matter since the bot crashes WoW with Error 132 within 2-4 hours guaranteed, and ARelog can't deal with it. And I can't find a way to download the previous version (WHY DO YOU REMOVE THE DL LINKS) which never crashed. So for my money I'm running the GB1 bot, the only thing that will actually herb and mine without me dedicating my life to babysitting it.

Just sad.
so why havent you made a thread with logs so we can find out whats going on and help you fix the issue.

we need logs people, if your having crashing issues we need logs so we can analyze whats going on and fix the issues.
I've just recently bought this bot as a replacement of PiroX (seeing that they are closed) and my overall dissatisfaction of this bot just increases the more I try to use it. 1st there is no Anti-AFK procedures that can be activated. 2nd the bot freezes ALOT and then has to be reloaded after it crashes WoW.exe for the fact its memory loading through it. 3rd There are NO measures to relog your character after a disconnect caused either by the bot messing up or by a network related Disconnect. This bot uses some very interesting methods of gathering of which are in comparison ineffective to the previous bot I was using. It does roughly 40-60 nodes an hour on a Great day with this bot where my last was 2x that on an average day. Would someone like to disprove me and show me in an intellectual way how to make this bot run effectively. Oh and might I mention 4th after 30 minutes of play time it likes to use soooooo much CPU Processing power that it over heats my system and the BIOS uses its protective measures. Just for those whom are going to say that's your problem, I'm running a AMD x2 5000+ Dual core with 4 gigs of DDR2 PC 6400 and an ATI 5450 1GB Card. Seeing that PiroX never did this to my system I'd like to have someone try to logically explain why this hunk of crap is using such an ungodly amount of System resources.


Not trying to be mean, but saying HB sucks will get you slapped in the face.

12 level 85's
Millions of gold,

I can say anything not working is YOUR fault.
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