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[CowStats] Your ideas to improve it


Active Member
Feb 17, 2010
I'm making a thread here to discuss about CowStats (my HB Web monitor) as many people seems to enjoy it.

Please don't talk about bugs or issues here, there is another thread for this.

So, what kind of new features would you like to see on CowStats? new command line functions/shortcuts? then which ones? Any other cool/zomgbbq idea?
d00d, ur badass with this, i think u should make a feature where if hb crashes, u can restart it, like with some sort of command function.
More Remote Control Commands
Live Stream picture/video
Movable Windows (customizable GUI)
d00d, ur badass with this, i think u should make a feature where if hb crashes, u can restart it, like with some sort of command function.

That's actually not possible without 3rd party stuff. CowStats is a part of HB process, therefore if HB crashes, plugins too. BUT there may be a way to remotely stop/start HB if it messed up with a profile, for example.
I think you should redesign the layout and only put necessary stuff because your previous layout wasn't mobile friendly and I thought it wernt easy to view (Example picture below) and also make the commands easy to remember for example: !Money !Shutdown !relogin !whisperUSERNAME texthere
and maybe let the user change the interval that it updates and maybe even a drop down menu for multiple users.

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Yah the pic posted above it what it kinda should look like I think, big picture and thestats are there but smaller, I think it looks nicer and alot more like pushed together than the 1 now.
I would like more control of HB its self by allowing me to change active plug ins and settings and well as being able to switch between levelbot, Mixed-pvp ect.
Whilst some of the suggestions are nice I would prefer it to remain as it is with perhaps a few more built in commands as typing out LUA strings on a phone is a little annoying.

Anyway, keep up the good work cowdude!
I think you should redesign the layout and only put necessary stuff because your previous layout wasn't mobile friendly and I thought it wernt easy to view (Example picture below) and also make the commands easy to remember for example: !Money !Shutdown !relogin !whisperUSERNAME texthere
and maybe let the user change the interval that it updates and maybe even a drop down menu for multiple users.


Yeah I think so too.

Also it would be nice if you would add a Send/Enter-Button because of my Mobile don't have some like that and so I can't send any commands...

Nice if the commands could be way easier to remember like one of they others allready sad.

What about a funktion to move your toon a bit if it got stucked?
I hate it to be @work, watching my toon on my mobile and see that it's stucked on a tree or something else. That sux much dude...

Also I hope there soon will be a feature to see more than one of your toons.
If you add an livestream please keep an option for stay on screenshots because maybe the stream won't work on every mobile.
It would be cool if you add links to the bottom for some luas.... like make it to where you click on something named "Open Bags" and it runs "OpenAllBags()"... You know what I mean? Just have alot of those various lua commands... (open bags to look in your bags...ForceQuit() - Instantly quits the game, bypassing the timer....)
Also, the whole live video thing. Good idea but bad at the same time.... I use this on my phone all the time from school :D
So, my idea is links at the bottom that run lua commands(Which I don't think thats really hard to implement.)
Allow users to customize website?

Sum it up.. Quick links at the bottom :D
First off, I LOVE the plugin...It's awesome, great job.

As far as wish lists/eye candy: You should play with extjs for the web layouts of things :P. Some for the layouts allow for easy customization up to the user (well, except it would not save so you would have to change it every time, unless you save it to cookies..but even then it would only apply on the same computer)

Overall just a more eye-candy gui look to it...instead of the text representation of things, make it more wow-looking.
Player class icon is great, but maybe make it more like the wow player nameplate with Health and Mana/Energy/Runic Power/Runes display,
also maybe some stats like min/current/max in text or as an overlay on the image bars
Similarly for XP, have it as a bar as well as text (I agree that text is beneficial to really see how far you've left to go)
Maybe add the Rep display, to whichever rep wow is currently tracking in its bar (useful for grinding rep profiles)

Type of loot -- gray, white, green..and more importantly Blue/Purple counts (maybe even links to wowhead :P by item id?)
Along the same lines, set a specific item(s) you are grinding for (ie pet, purple drop, tradeskill mat, etc) and have a count(with a wowhead link?) of loots of that item displayed rather than lua commands to open bags and squinting to see if you have it.

Or maybe some icon you can click to view your inventory...should be easy enough (thought possibly resource/time consuming and not very mobile friendly) to loop over all bags to get item IDs..and maybe bring over the images from armory or wowhead.

As someone mentioned, allow different update intervals.
What I'd like is to also be able to update stats and images at different intervals.
Say 2 seconds..or real-time, for stats, map and HB feed and maybe 5-10 seconds for the screen image.

Keep up the good work!
Oh, one more thing....show durability...and maybe an override button to go repair?
my HB doesn't seem to want to repair on its own, unless it's selling something to the vendor..and even then it might be the quickrepair addon that's doing it.