location of this account was within 5km of my auctual adress, did not bot on other accounts at the given time, but might have been more than 6 hours in total each day i guess
my secund account seems to have just got hit, i get the same message "Could not connect to game servers. Please try again later."
The bot gets past the login servers, and then it gets killed by game servers... kept thisone close to home at all time, since the first one got hit just 2 days after i moved it 30km away from home i figured that might be why, however thisone got hit all the same, so i guess it was not the reason... funny thing is that i have played legit on it for the past 48 hours because i suspectet a shadow ban, and now suddenly i got kicked off anyways -_- this is most confusing... honestly i got no ideer what to do now to avoid bans, i cant see what i do to get couth
Allso i was under the impression that they would at least send an email, telling that my ass got banned, bot none of them have gotten this email...