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The "newrunaftercorruptedareaexplored" works fine for me. But it is much slower recently. I dont remember how long ago this behaviour changed, but it used to either take the exit portal, or open a portal and start a new run immediately after killing the boss and the portal opening.
But now it looks like its using OldGrindBots explore percent inside corrupted areas, and then after completing that percent it will either open a portal and restart a run, or run all the way back to the exit portal.
I prefer the old way myself. No reason to full explore the inside of corrupted areas before leaving. Kill boss, collected fragment / gem, leave was the better default method. If i had to guess, this was changed around the time OGB went open source.
Yeah same behaviour for me exactly,"newrunaftercorruptedareaexplored" works for me too ,i thought that option is problem for slow but no generally bot is slow.I hope @pushedx can fix it.
Nothing changed with the logic since it was added way back when. What does change though, are the layouts and monster spawns, so what ends up happening is, TrackMoreMobs is working to go back and verify you actually killed stuff you walked past, then the vaal vessel is opened at the very end. For now, that logic isn't going to be touched, but new logic in future different bot implementations will certainly be considered.