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[CoRo-Unholy] A Combat Coroutine for Unholy Death Knights

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Community Developer
Jul 26, 2010
- (Public Release: N/A)
- (Public Beta: v11.17.2014)
- (Private Beta: v11.17.2014)

Mod Version: BE.TA.07
, by Dagradt(Community Developer)

How does it work:

CoRo-Unholy is a PvE oriented routine structured around the Co-Routine styled Combat Routine development method. As there are no current variations of this new style supported here on the forums, I figured I'd give it a chance to see how the new method and expandable abilities fared against those of our current counterparts. With the switch to the Co-Routine method being that of an imminent affair, I thought that it would be well received by the community to see what you all thought of the this new method. I'd like you to remember that I'm still exploring the usages of this and thus as I become more accustom, and feedback is given, I hope to be able to bring fourth an exemplary routine we can all have fun with.


CoRo-Unholy will support the One-Hand PvE play style along with all applicable spells(non-GCD spells that are not needed for direct damage output will be left to the users discretion). One thing I must make clear is that I intend to make CoRo-Rotations simple, light weight, and effective sans the numerous expenditures in some of our current titans.

Available Translations:

English - v11.17.2014


Q) How do I install this CoRo?

Q) How do I use the SVN?
Please read the following thread: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-guides/124801-guide-download-update-svn.html

Q) How do I use the hot-key feature?
A) Press once to activate/deactivate

Q) What are the hot-keys?
A) ​Shift + Q = AoE, ​Shift + E = CDs, ​Shift + S = Manual Mode

Q) What if I have an issue?
A) Post your issue in the thread below with your log attached

Q) How do I attach a log?
Please read the following thread: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-guides/35945-guide-attach-log-kick.html

Download Now:

Only Honorbuddy licensed members may download the following files(s), click here for more information:

- To receive the most up-to-date version, click on the following link:


If I've forgotten anyone, please let me know so I can add you and give you the credit you deserve:

- Handnavi:
For telling me I suck
- Millz:
For being around
- Mirabis:
For telling me I suck
- Nomnomnom:
For also telling me I suck
- Stormchasing:
For being the silent master in the dark

- Weischbier:
For fixing my casting method so this CoRo actually works and telling me I suck
- Xcesius: For always giving me new methods to use

*Actually these are some of the most knowledgeable people I know, some of which I've been able to share the tittle friend with. I appreciate them greatly...


Have a screenshot you'd like to share? Send me the picture and I'll post it!

Show your support:


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- Possibly add death timer
- Fix usage check for Empower Rune Weapon
- Add Food & Drink aura check so we don't buff while eating
- Add timer to Blood Boil so we don't spam it as much during AoE
- Finish talent options for Breath of Sindragosa rotation
- Finish spread rotation in AoE
- Finish Breath of Sindragosa single target & AoE rotations

Known Issues:

- Will melt faces so lean back
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Mile-Stone Implementations:

- 11/18/2014: Initial release(Beta)
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Thread Update

>>Update: 11/18/2014 @1000CST <<

Initial release(beta) has been uploaded along with the CoRo-Rotations SVN. Please remember this is in beta and your feedback is required.
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Breath of Sindragosa is instant, no gcd.
Defile is on gcd, replaces Death and Decay completely ==> Even if you use Death and Decay in rotation spell queue, it will cast Defile instead, so there's no need to add Defile manually to rotation.

Not sure if the rotation intends to wait on casting nothing with 1 Unholy rune. Not sure what causes this, will try small modifications to the rotation myself in my spare time.

Seems Unholy is pulling more numbers than Frost atm. Keep up the good work. :)
Breath of Sindragosa is instant, no gcd.
Defile is on gcd, replaces Death and Decay completely ==> Even if you use Death and Decay in rotation spell queue, it will cast Defile instead, so there's no need to add Defile manually to rotation.

Not sure if the rotation intends to wait on casting nothing with 1 Unholy rune. Not sure what causes this, will try small modifications to the rotation myself in my spare time.

Seems Unholy is pulling more numbers than Frost atm. Keep up the good work. :)

If Defile uses the same spell identification number I'll have to switch the rotation as it currently is set to Death and Decay priority. As for Breath of Sindragosa, I haven't added the spell in yet but, the BoS rotation is mostly complete.
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If Defile uses the same spell identification number I'll have to switch the rotation as it currently is set to Death and Decay priority. As for Breath of Sindragosa, I haven't added the spell in yet but, the rotation during is in mostly completed.

Can confirm that Defile has a different ID, but if you cast Death and Decay, it will use Defile instead either way.

Currently I'd like Soul Reaper to be implemented. I tried it myself but it seems I'm forgetting something in terms of code (already checked spellbook).
Atm, I use Plague Leech - Runic Corruption (yes not blood tap) - Defile.
Can confirm that Defile has a different ID, but if you cast Death and Decay, it will use Defile instead either way.

Currently I'd like Soul Reaper to be implemented. I tried it myself but it seems I'm forgetting something in terms of code (already checked spellbook).
Atm, I use Plague Leech - Runic Corruption (yes not blood tap) - Defile.

My Death Knight has not reached level 100 yet so I haven't been able to test this personally at higher levels(93 currently and still in Frostfire Ridge). I'll get Defile added in the correct priority as soon as possible as well as Soul Reaper and Plague Leech. For talents, I too use the 2003002 setup and this is how the routine is set.
i tested this routine a bit in hc dung, feels smooth,good, has potencial :)
1. missing soulreaper, dont forget on 45% not 35
2. plague leach doesnt work
3. somethings wrong with bloodboil, sometimes it use on single target, and sometimes spams too much even in aoe
4. keep it up, looks great
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I think I finally made a stable profile myself. It's not 100% accurate in rotation, but it does what I want so far.
Although I'm sure to be going to modify it with tier bonus ect.

- Found out that Soul Reaper in spell.cs was placed at spell ID 130735 ==> It's 130736 for Unholy (which is why it didn't work for me all this time /facepalm).
- Added Plague Leech & made modifications to the rotation so it doesn't wait on anything (might not be the way to do it).
- Blood Boil spam aint bad for DPS gain lol.

I'll keep this posted as Unholy is the stronger DPS spec atm.
Jupken23, are you sure the soulreaper part bug is in spell.cs ? i found ID for spell in spell book.cs changed the line to 130736, but its still not casting. Could you possibly upload your version with some fixes. Greatly appreciated
Place the following file under "routines". It might block if you have Frost version as well (unsure).

I've made some changes to make the rotation more "fluent". But this is definitely not the best rotation.

- Makes use of Plague Leech.
- I use Runic Corruption as talent, so Blood Tap isn't implemented.
- Whether you're lvl100 or not, Death and Decay & Defile will work.


i tested this routine a bit in hc dung, feels smooth,good, has potencial :)
1. missing soulreaper, dont forget on 45% not 35
2. plague leach doesnt work
3. somethings wrong with bloodboil, sometimes it use on single target, and sometimes spams too much even in aoe
4. keep it up, looks great

Yep, yep, yep, and thank you.
I think I finally made a stable profile myself. It's not 100% accurate in rotation, but it does what I want so far.
Although I'm sure to be going to modify it with tier bonus ect.

- Found out that Soul Reaper in spell.cs was placed at spell ID 130735 ==> It's 130736 for Unholy (which is why it didn't work for me all this time /facepalm).
- Added Plague Leech & made modifications to the rotation so it doesn't wait on anything (might not be the way to do it).
- Blood Boil spam aint bad for DPS gain lol.

I'll keep this posted as Unholy is the stronger DPS spec atm.

I had SR commented out for a reason, lol. The other issues are already know and yes Unholy is better currently.
Jupken23, are you sure the soulreaper part bug is in spell.cs ? i found ID for spell in spell book.cs changed the line to 130736, but its still not casting. Could you possibly upload your version with some fixes. Greatly appreciated

As stated in the "To-Do:" section of the front page, SR is not yet implemented thus it will not cast less you've changed the code yourself...

I'm looking forward to a more complete version of your profiles. Not sure if there's any way I can help, but keep up the good work. :)

I'm looking forward to a more complete version of your profiles. Not sure if there's any way I can help, but keep up the good work. :)

I've added Soul Reaper, Defile(correct priority per below level 100 and at level 100), Plague Leech(this needs more love as it seems to be sitting on runes. I know you need to have both of a rune on CD to use this but, I need to see if you can do a Death Rune and a regular rune and still proc this effect that way. If so I need to change the code). If you want to help, please hit me up on Skype for real time conversation and code tweaking.
Plague leech works for every rune. But every rune is treated as their original.

Plague Leech will treat BBFFUU as BBFFUU even if all runes are converted to DDDDUU.
So if X means CD:
XXXXUU works.
XXDDXX works.
XDDXXX not optimal, but works ==> Plague Leach will only refresh 1 Unholy rune.

Basically it reads now as: "Will give back up to 2 runes".
This means you can use it in other situations, but you get less back from it.
So in order to avoid loss, 2 pairs of runes need to be on CD.

Also the timezone difference between us is 7 hours.
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