Not possible to teleport to thayd, return and get a new one, and go do it. Doesn't work at the moment with the built-in code or any other stuff pre-coded from community and it will probably never work like that.
<If Condition="Buddy.Contracts.IsAtContractBoard" >
<!-- Spam this shit because no one cares, and I am lazy -->
<If Condition="Buddy.Contracts.Accept(1234)" />
<!-- Or, if you just want the pve/pvp contract in position 1... -->
<If Condition="Buddy.Contracts.Accept(Buddy.Contracts.ContractType.Pve, 1)" />
<While Condition="Buddy.Contracts.IsAccepted(1234)">
<!-- Do this contract -->
DD, this is awesome, for starters. I'm curious how you figured out the LUA, will need to sort out the lua for turning in the contract as well and I have no idea how you went about that?
@Deathdisguise Just wanted to confirm since you said you hadn't tested, your current wrappers definitely seem to work, which is awesome. Getting going on my profile development moving to and from zones, which contrary to what the guy above said with no information works just fine. Haven't looked at the global dump yet to see what needs done for contract completion, probably will wait until I get through a full contract and actually need to submit.
Thanks a lot for the assistance on this so far!
Share it then. Wise guy
<Interact CreatureName="Transport to Star-Comm Basin" CreatureId="70681" X="4005.674" Y="-803.212" Z="-2316.775" MapId="51" RunOnce="true" />
<Wait Time="5"/>
<CSIAction YesNoOrder="Y"/>
<While Condition="1 == 1">
<!-- DO : Murder stuff! -->
<While Condition="Buddy.Contracts.IsAccepted(1234)">
<!-- Thyad! -->
<If Condition="CreatureExists(?????, X, Y, Z, 1)">
<!-- Leave Thyad -->
<Interact ... />
<CSIAction YesNoOrder="Y" DelayInputMs="500" />
<Wait Time="1" /> <!-- Always feel better with a slight delay between world changes! -->
<!-- Not Thyad! -->
<If Condition="CreatureExists(?????, X, Y, Z, 1)">
<!-- Do killing stuff -->
<!-- HAND IN : Murder stuff! -->
<While Condition="Buddy.Contracts.IsAchieved(1234)">
<!-- In Thyad, because a nearby creature exists! -->
<If Condition="not CreatureExists(?????, X, Y, Z, 1)">
<!-- Hand In -->
<!-- Not in Thyad, because a nearby creature DOESN'T exist! -->
<If Condition="not CreatureExists(?????, X, Y, Z, 1)">
<!-- Return to Thyad -->
<!-- Pick Up new quest, if in Thyad! (This doesn't exist yet, been busy. :) -->