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conspiracy theories


Nov 22, 2012
To many ppl say that they were baned without reason ,and didnt sell gold. But they used bot for farming so i dont understand why they use bots.
I have impression that bayers of gold report pplto blizz.I made test for that.
I bay a new acc and gahter gold trough AH.i was bauying things from ah with my another acc.After few hours i got ban.
Maybe GM have they own buissnes.additionally earn and be good employees for Blizz.
im sure this is up on the wall in blizzards conference room tomoz, just
to make sure they start the day with a good laugh.
I will probably guarentee it is up there already. Someone will have printed out most of this forum and making a book out of it for their amusement.
To many ppl say that they were baned without reason ,and didnt sell gold. But they used bot for farming so i dont understand why they use bots.

I have never sold gold and have no incentive to. I bot for a few reasons:

1) Leveling via questing is boring. Once you've leveled a toon you've seen the quests. Going from 1-90 on a toon more than once is horrible.

... I want multiple 90s:
* I like having each tradeskill at max level
* I want the ability to switch toons if my current main gets nerfed

2) I work a job that has me at a computer long enough each day that I can do a 95% monitor of my bot and still make my paycheck (actually currently on disability, which gives even more time). But I can't actually PLAY most of that time.

3) Because of my current disability my pain meds make it hard to concentrate long on a task. Basically it is medically-induced ADHD. Which makes questing more frustrating as I forget a goal in the middle of a quest or I lose track of where I am.

4) Gathering is boring. BUT I don't want to pay all you botters for my tradeskill mats when leveling professions :rolleyes:.

Right now by not paying for gathering from others and selling off stuff from leveling toons up, on my main server I have a full 11 toons all with 280% flying (and could be 310 if I cared enough about it) while being able to go from 0 gold to 80K without trying. A pittance to a botter trying to make lots of gold, but not bad for not having more than a couple 90s and maxing out tradeskills and almost maxing flying on 11 toons.

5) PVP battlegrounds on so many toons is boring. I don't currently BG bot but I'm hoping it becomes safe enough to do so later as I'd like some honor gear on the alts. But if it doesn't happen, no big deal to me.

I wouldn't be playing WoW the same way if I couldn't bot. I would have 1 main and a couple of tradeskills. I would be much more dependent on a specific guild, etc etc. Would I still play? Probably ... just not as efficiently.

My plan is to get all my toons to 90 with 600 in all their skills while I'm on these pain meds, then after surgery I'll likely go back to playing a single main toon most of the time and raiding. But in the mean time I'll have one heck of an account built up and the ability to gather (and maybe PVP) without as much work when I want. Pretty good tradeoff for the cost of the bot. And I bot very paranoiacally, so I'm pretty safe even though I'm using a main account.
wall of text, did read... but no, you are never safe!

Didn't say I was :) Said I was "pretty safe". As safe as any botter is going to get because I bot very carefully. But I know I run a risk and I can live with it. If I lose this account I have plenty of other games.