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Conclusion from "Banned-Exploitative Activity Found"


New Member
Dec 20, 2012
Link to my previous post: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...11806-banned-exploitative-activity-found.html

OK, I have opened two tickets last night, and the same answers came (we regret to inform you that we have arrived at the same conclusion). Right now, I give up raising another ticket. I will afk this game for ever, and I feel free...I can focus on doing my loving sports-rock climbing. LoL.
Personal Conclusion: 1. HB=>Safe; GB=>extreme dangerous. I have been using HB for 1 month without shut down my pc, and there is nothing happened. Recently, I used GB to level up my professional skill...and got a perm ban.
2. I doubt that Blizzard staff design some gather profile "just for detection". (perhaps collect your nodes?...maybe...)
3. A stupid action: I hit "send a report to blz" when I got a crash during boting. Maybe, that helped Blz to locate me.
4. Big brother is watching you, it is their game, not yours. They can kick you off whenever they want!

I hope this post can help some players to avoid ban. Good luck guys!
the bot was there so you could have the free time... :S

I see this all the time but in reality the amount of configuring and watching you have to do with these bits is silly. Barely anything here can be 100% afk'd. Even the profiles that say you can you still have to check on them.
I see this all the time but in reality the amount of configuring and watching you have to do with these bits is silly. Barely anything here can be 100% afk'd. Even the profiles that say you can you still have to check on them.


I don't / won't even try to afk bot ANYTHING any longer. I'm just considering using it lazyraider style. Although, even that is suspect presently.
I personally think (this being my own speculation with no proof) that there is something they do with nodes per hour or how many times your grabbing the same herb respawns. The reason I believe this is because I was banned but I appealed it instantly saying I used a gathering addon and didn't know it was a hack meaning that a GM didn't even personally observe me or maybe just didn't put that in his report for banning me, idk.
this thread should't be have a word "Conclusion" in the title..not even close to conclude anything